Saturday, November 27, 2010



If you will recall, one of the first moves Obama made was to try and make the military pay for their own insurance and to make the injured GI’s coming home from active duty pay for their own medical care. If that doesn't make your Thanksgiving turkey come back up, nothing will.   

How quickly we forget. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


There are millions of Americans out of work, many of them for two years or longer.  The Obama Administration has done virtually nothing about the problem except to give it lip service.  Add to this problem those who have been forced to take drastic pay cuts or reduced hours and you have a nation filled with people who wonder where their next meal is going to come from or whether they will have a roof over their heads when Christmas comes.  

Maybe Obama doesn't give a damn, but I do.  The traditional sources of help are facing a double whammy: they have dwindling contributions because people just don't have money to give, and they have an increasing need for the services they provide.  I know that I may be asking you to give up a six pack or two of beer or the movies next week.  But, on behalf of those who are hungry and/or without shelter through no fault of their own, I beg of you to consider dropping off a turkey or a few cans of food, even a $25 contribution.  

God knows we are at each others' throats in this country, but this is the season when we need to reach deep into our souls and find the heart to share with others what little we have left to share.  

To you and your family and friends, have a Happy Thanksgiving and drive carefully. 

Saturday, November 20, 2010



All of us need to have charity in our hearts.  But, sometimes being charitable gets downright annoying. 

Three charities have recently sent me requests for donations and included either a nickel, a quarter or a dollar.  These campaigns go out to millions of people at a time.  How many people are there in this country, anyway?  So, let's be conservative and say 10 million pieces of mail go out with a nickel in each; that's $500,000 in nickles plus the cost of the postage at 28 cents a piece...$2,800,000 for a total of $3,300,000 they spent trying to get my contribution.  Oh, and plus printing costs and admin expenses, let's say a paltry $200,000 more, or $3,500,000 for one mailing.  Some agencies mail three or four of these requests a year, or more, and to more people.  If they send a quarter or a dollar... well, we're talking serious money here. 

Take the American Cancer Society.  They are certainly a worthy organization on the face of it; last year, I sent them $35.00 as a donation.  This year, I received requests from the local organization, the county, the state, and national on a weekly basis!  Then, I started to get telephone calls and, when I complained about why they are calling me, they try to tell me I gave them permission when I donated.  As worthy as they may be, they are annoying beyond words and have been crossed off my list.  

Now, they all seem to share names and addresses.  All of the sudden, I am receiving 30 to 40 pieces of mail per week from charities I never even heard of.  I've tried to shut this stuff off, to no avail.  In some cases, I have contributed and then received a "thank you" along with a pleading, "Can't you give just $25.00 more?  Think of the good it will do."  

Frankly, they have worn out their welcome.  If they have dwindling revenues, they have no one to blame but themselves.  My money is now going to local charities only, the ones who don't have the kind of money it takes to run one of these national campaigns. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


To make it short, we all know that the country is in an economic mess and that our debt is going to doom this nation unless we do something about it. We can’t do it by decreasing spending; we can’t do it by raising revenues. To get us out of this mess which, by the way we did not create, but they did, we need to do both.

Now comes the newly elected cavalry that we selected to lead us out of this mess and the first words out of the Republicans collective mouth is… “We’re not cutting defense.” Then, the Democrats say, “We’re not cutting entitlements.”

Well, if they’re not going to clean up this mess they created, I think they’re all going to be out on the streets looking for work in two more years, so something had better give.

The defense budget CAN be cut and cut plenty. Our young men and women in the military have proven over and over again that they can step up to the plate that our leaders in Washington seem so willing to back away from. And, we don’t need all of these entitlements; we need jobs. We need to get people back to work and we need to rebuild the national pride of America.

Our President is obviously unwilling to do anything. He has taken no steps to create jobs in the two years he has been in office and he just blew an opportunity in South Korea to create 90,000 jobs through a trade deal that he managed to scuttle at the last minute. He refuses to reconsider his damned health care plan and he is dead set on raising taxes.

All that this posturing amounts to is more of the same old bullshit politics that have flat incensed Americans in every corner of the country for the last two years. The newly elected talked a good game, as did those who managed to hang on to their seats. Now is the time to crap or get off the potty. They are required to stand up for America and do the job we elected them to do, or they will most certainly pay the penalty.

Let the dance begin and we’ll see who is still left standing when the music stops.

Sunday, November 14, 2010



The time has come when one man has enough power in this world to bring down governments, cause international economic chaos, and ruin lives.  Even more unacceptable is the fact that this individual has chose to do just those things.  

George Soros openly admits to having brought four countries to their knees.  He says that, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, people started referring to Russia as being Soros' Russia.  He has claimed the destruction of the Kenyan government and economy, among other things.  More recently, Soros has set his sites on the destruction of the government of the United States, and he has openly said so.  He intends to use his powerful influence on the media, the unions and politicians in this country to cause economic disturbance, citizen unrest, and a growing dissatisfaction with our central government.  

He also also made no bones about wanting Glenn Beck off the air.  Beck has recently been connecting the dots to the various organizations and associations that are owned and operated by Soros, all with seemingly benign names and professed patriotic objectives.  This has raised the blood pressure of Soros to the point that he has called upon various Jewish organizations to denounce Beck and demand his firing.  Before airing these latest connections, Beck turned his information and research over to the legal beagles at Fox and had them thoroughly go through the material to verify its authenticity.  

One of the stories is about how Soros as a young Jewish boy got his start in life by pretending to be a Christian and helping to send his Jewish neighbors off to death camps, a biographical fact to which Soros Sorrows camp and Soros never loses.  In fact, Soros says he gets a kick out of doing these things and watching the result, which he himself has admitted in his writings.  The Jewish organizations are complaining that Beck's outing of this information, already in the public realm, is reprehensible.  

Now, we have open warfare against Beck by those organizations and Soros.  The man is bound and determined to bring our country down.  He admits it.  He practically owns the unions in this country and many of the politicians.  There is already national unrest and only 17% of Americans think Congress is doing its job satisfactorily; the trap may already be ready to spring.  According to Beck, one of the methods employed by Soros is to get those in the position to do so to print money and destroy the value of the currency. Hello!

Fox News has come out and firmly defended Beck against the Jewish organizations that are calling for his ouster.  Soros is ready to withdraw his funding contributions to those organizations unless they do what he says.  

Anytime anyone accumulates so much wealth and power that he has the ability to bring down nations and destroy lives, and anytime that individual sets out to do harm with that wealth and power, we need to bring him down.  Bill Gates has wealth and power, and he uses it for notably charitable philanthropy.  Just because you have acquired wealth and power does not mean you have to be the bad guy.  But, when you're the bad guy, you need to be dealt with promptly and forcefully.  His ties to the unions, the media and the politicians of this country must be immediately severed.  

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Well, I wondered if anyone would ever bring the subject up and already they have. You see, we have a lot of fresh new faces in Congress starting in January. Some a Democrat and some are Republican, but these new faces were all elected because the public was disenchanted with their predecessors and they presented to the public the best opportunity to change the way things are done in Washington.

Now comes the suggestion that the “establishment,” those entrenched Members of Congress who managed to hang on to their jobs, will be quick to let the new guys know “how things are done in Washington.” In other words, it’s going to be like a fraternity hazing and, when it’s all said and done, the new guys had better do what the old guys say, or else the new guys are not going to get anywhere with their agendas and, presumably, a dissatisfied electorate will vote them out in 2012.

You can almost visualize Nancy and Harry calling the new guys in for lunch and then pulling out the rule books. It brings back memories of the days when they were calling in recalcitrant Members, twisting arms, offering bribes and making outright threats in order to get votes for the Health Care Bill. Such nostalgia simply brings tears to my eyes. In other words, the word “American” is just as foreign to those bums now as it was before the election; they still don’t give a damn what Americans think, or want.

Frankly, their continued arrogance in the face of a ticked off America restokes the fire within me that says we have to start now to engineer the departure of the remaining “old guys” in 2012. We cannot draw a deep breath and relax; we cannot go to sleep tonight with the thought in mind that they have learned their lessons because, obviously, they have not. Now that we have come this far, we will certainly be to blame if we do not finish the job off.

We can take advantage of the next few weeks to rebuild the energy in the Tea Parties and to invigorate the grass roots movements. We can start selecting more new and qualified candidates to replace those stubborn incumbents who refuse to listen to our demands for a better government and we can begin grooming them for political office. To do less is to open the door to going back to the way things have been in Washington for far too many years.


Wednesday, November 03, 2010


Before anyone takes a bow and starts talking about how great they are and that’s why they got the vote… before any political party starts talking about how terrific the results were for them and what they are going to do or not do over the next two years…. Let’s get one thing straight: the only winners here are the people and the people have said loud and clear that they are tired of “politics as usual.” They are tired of the relentless spending when they themselves are out of work or on declined wages. They are fearful of the national debt and what it means for their grandchildren. They are upset with the passing of the unread stimulus bill and highly unpopular health care bill. They are resentful at being ignored and told to shut up.

Those who remain in office can consider themselves damned lucky and they had better well understand the message: change your method of doing things or you will be next to hit the street; 2012 is just around the corner. For those who just won a new office, understand that you have the job mostly because the people don’t like the job that your predecessor did and, unless you listen to what the people have to say and react accordingly, you too will be tossed back out; so, don’t get too comfortable in your new office digs, regardless of your political party.

No one got a mandate except the people, and the people’s mandate is to keep a sharp eye on the politicians going forward and to pay attention to what they say and what they do. No one expects this situation we are in to get better tomorrow, but we do expect that those we elected will roll up their sleeves and start to take proactive measures to get people back to work. We expect the mess created in the first two years to be mitigated, and promptly.

Those who are being turned out will undoubtedly have the urge to stick it to the voters who turned them out and to pass crappy legislation before the year is out. This is all about punishing your enemies while you still can. If that happens, there will be hell to pay.

Let’s be clear: The American public is not to blame for what has happened, and if the politicians in all of their high and mighty arrogance don’t get that message, our anger will not subside.