Sunday, May 27, 2012



Yes, this blog is in hibernation.  But, the time has come to underscore some points of major concern.  Who is really to blame for the ragged shape this country is in? 

Let's talk medical costs, like insurance, prescriptions, hospital charges and the like.  Our President swore on a 2,700 page stack of Congressional mishmash that ObamaCare would solve the rising costs of medical care and save the nation hundreds of billions of dollars.  Show me one person, just one in this country, whose medical costs went down and I'll show you someone who quit paying his insurance programs and went on the public dole.  The OMB and CBO news is that the government will not save a dime, but will actually spend at least $1 trillion more.  Do we blame Bush for that?  Congress?  The Supreme Court?  The Tea Party?  Take your pick, but don't blame Obama.  

How about the budget?  The Senate hasn't passed a budget in four years.  Obama hasn't said a word about it.  Yet, spending and the debt under this President have soared to more than the last four Presidents combined.  Obama had the outright audacity to lie, "Federal spending since I took office has risen at the slowest pace of any President in almost 60 years."  Obviously, he's not to, blame; it must be the historical economists and the Congressional Budget Office to blame. 

Jobs? Well, things are getting better.  Never mind that unemployment is still at 8%, that's down from 10%.  Never mind that there are more people out of work or underemployed than at any time in our history, the percentage is down and we're only counting those who are actively looking for work.  Obama has promised every single month that he is going to make jobs his number one priority, but he never has.  Who do you blame for that?  Why, the people who are out of work, of course; they're  to blame.   

What about the disastrous American Recovery Act? How about the nuclear mess in North Korea and Iran... our sinking stature in the international community... Solyndra... racism... corruption in government... GSA... Secret Service?  Obama is to blame for none of that.  It must be all of  those vast right-wing conspirators who tried to sink Clinton.  That's it!  They're back! 

The jerk at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue accepts responsibility for only one thing in his life... the Nobel Peace Prize on his fireplace mantle.  That's his.