Monday, March 20, 2017


Regarding the pending Republican attempt to pass a  "new" health care plan, Ted Cruz said yesterday on FACE THE NATION, ”My biggest concern with the House bill is it doesn’t lower premiums.”  He added, “If Republicans hold a big press conference and pat ourselves on the back that we have repealed Obamacare, and everyone’s premiums keep going up, people will be ready to tar and feather us in the streets and quite rightly.” 

You are quit correct, Mr. Cruz, and it will mean the end of the Republican Party.  If this "new" plan doesn't get the government out of health care and eliminate the associated ObamaCare bureaucracy, the Republicans will be very lucky to come out of the 2018 elections with a single seat left in the House.... and once again, the Republicans will have nobody to blame except themselves.  

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