Monday, May 01, 2017


I think I said... I know I felt... that pursuing Hillary on investigations and criminal charges would detract from the many important things that must be done as we move the nation forward.  But, I've changed my mind.  

The Democrats, including one Barack Hussein Obama, seem hell-bent on obsfuscating, intimidating and obstructing the Trump administration, whether it is against the country's best interests or not.  In their opinion, Hillary should damned-well be president and Trump should be left sucking his thumb.  

So, there's major distraction anyway.  

I say... I want to know... I demand to know the story about Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and the Emails.  I want to know about "pay-for-lay" at Hillary's State Department. 

Let's get the whole pile of filthy, despicable laundry and criminal enterprise out on the table. 

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