Thursday, March 15, 2018


Seeing the results of the Pennsylvania Congressional election, Speaker Paul Ryan is now running around like Chicken Little, proclaiming that the Republicans had better watch out because they could lose control of the House in November.  He could very well be right.


Americans elected Trump because they are sick and tired of "business as usual" in Washington.  But, Ryan and his progressive establishment GOP good old boy cohorts, while lying that they support Trump, are doing everything possible to subvert his agenda.  They're certainly not team players to say the least.  Seeing Trump's plans are being stalled and stymied at every turn, Americans are now ready to cast them all out into oblivion.

A few of them, recognizing the handwriting could be on the wall, have already decided not to run for reelection; others are sitting on a fence praying for a miracle.  Americans are deciding that if such an incumbent won't get out of the way or change his/her ways, they simply won't vote in November and Democrats will win seats by default.

Here we are, over 17 months after Trump won the election, and these jackasses still don't get the message.  They'd rather the country go down in flames than to accept the blame.

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