Monday, September 19, 2016


We have a nation full of terrible problems to deal with, from terrorism, to border security, to inner-city violence, to poverty, to a faltering economy, unemployment, China, North Korea, Russia, Iran, Syria and corruption in government.  

That is sooo much on our plate and yet, when a bomb goes off in New York City, the only thing the Hillary camp can muster in response is a limp-dick attack on Trump for calling it a bomb too early.  

Obviously, they have absolutely no solutions or proactive thoughts and, in their failing ways, the only thing left for them to grasp onto is  to wait for Trump to say something... anything... and then attack it and hope their vitriol sticks.  Trump says we can no longer sit idly by while these things happen to us and it must stop, and he extends sympathy and concern to the families... and the Hillary zombies are up in arms because he called it a bomb too early. 

Who is the real leader here?

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