Saturday, October 08, 2016


Let he (or she) who is without sin cast the first boulder. 

Donald Trump did not say anything on that bus back in 2005 in a private conversation between two guys that hasn't been said by 90% of the men and women in this country at one or more times in their lives.  The other 10% are liars.  

This whole story has been manufactured and pumped up by Paul Ryan and the media who would have us believe that Bill and Hillary Clinton are the salt and saints of the earth.  Not a single word about the news that Obama and the White House have been perpetuating a cover-up of Hillary's Email misdeeds; nothing about the rampant corruption in the F.B.I. or Justice Department; nothing about Hillary's "pay for play" scheme involving the State Department and the Clinton Foundation; nothing about the Benghazi Massacre or Barack and Hillary's Libyan gun smuggling operations; nothing about leaking classified information.... no, the only thing you are hearing right now is about braggadocio and lewd language on a bus.  

The agenda is clear; the reason anyone is paying attention to it is not.  

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