Saturday, January 30, 2010


For the past year, we’ve been listening to Obama and his henchmen make it painfully clear that they do not like big banks or big business. As Americans who are watching some of the tricks that big banks and big business are pulling, we’re not particularly pleased about many of the things that they are doing these days, either. But, our Constitutional form of government has inherent provisions which, if followed, would keep the noses of big government out of it. 

So, what do we do? 

Another dilemma facing us is the use of corporate profits to buy Congressional influence and votes by way of campaign contributions. Any lawyer in Congress knows that you cannot enact a law preventing business corporations from making campaign contributions because, that violates the 1st Amendment. 

Our forefathers were not dummies such as Obama, Pelosi and Reid would have us believe. They knew that these situations could, and probably would, arise. But, by keeping the power of the government in the hands of the people, they provided the avenues for dealing with these issues. It is therefore we, the people, who have fumbled the ball. 

Big business gets into trouble; Obama and his henchmen see a way to take over big business for themselves to run. That’s called “nationalization.” They dig into our pocketbooks and provide the banks and businesses money to stay afloat, in return for which the government gets stock and seats on boards of directors. Now, we all know that’s wrong, but what do we do about it? 

Here we are, talking about resolving our Congressional issues of graft, corruption and elitism, and we instinctively know that the answer is to vote the bums out of office. It is fair to say that they will quickly get the message in Washington and begin to police themselves. 

So, why are “we, the people” still doing business, buying goods and services from the likes of AIG and Bank of America? Why do we continue to buy Omaha steaks from Nebraska when Nelson was willing to sell the rest of the country down the drain by voting for the Health Care Bill, in order to get an everlasting gift from Harry Reid and the rest of the “Good Old Boys?” 

We, the American voters and consumers, have within our hands the abilities to resolve these issues. If we quit using Bank of America credit cards and loan services, and we make it abundantly clear that we are ticked off with the campaign contributions and with their employee bonuses and related trickeries while we are financing their butts, their stockholders and Board of Directors will soon see plummeting profits and they will mend their ways. If Obama and Congress try to intervene by lending them more of our money, we vote those guys out of office. 

The way things are going in this country, we need to pay attention to who is doing what to us and we need to react with our votes and our pocket books. Quit buying insurance from AIG. Find out who their subsidiaries are, and quit doing business with them. Look up who made the big donations to Reid, Pelosi and Obama and quit doing business with them. Send these guys a postcard… “I hereby quit doing business with you and your subsidiaries because of your irresponsible management team that gave $$$$ to so and so’s campaign last year.” (Be sure to sell your stock in the company before you do this.)

“Congressman, I’m voting against you in the next election because you accepted $$$ in campaign contributions from ABC Corporation, and then you voted for the Health Care Plan that would send extra profits to ABC.” 

We have the power. It’s time to start using it, or we will continue to be in the blame.

Thursday, January 28, 2010



Looking at my predictions of yesterday, I'd say that I pretty much nailed it. 

Now that people have been out of work for over a year and are losing their homes... By the way, he just had to lament about more and more people losing their health care benefits.  People are losing their health care benefits because HE is losing their jobs for them.  

So, more than a year down the road far too many Americans out of work, Obama says we need to create jobs.  Now, if it finally dawned on him the day after Massachusetts that the country wants jobs, why did he wait until the day after his State of the Union to start to work on jobs?  Why didn't he start last Wednesday?

In discussing the nation's ills, he again nailed Bush, the Republicans, and the Supreme Court.  The job of the Supreme Court is to interpret the Constitution.  They are very rarely in the job of making rare that I'm not going to dwell on it here.  But, there he was in all of his defiant arrogance, blaming the Supreme Court because he didn't like the decision.  But, they were right.  

Now, if you want to stop the floodgates for special interests, I 100% agree with that, but it has to be done in a Constitutional way.  Then again, he believes the Constitution is too much of a hindrance on him, anyway. 

One year down the road from his inauguration, he is embroiled in a bitter self-awareness that his method of change is not wanted... but jobs are.  What he is saying, then, is that he would just as soon have his health care plan and 50% unemployment and no Constitution.  

And, to underscore his contempt for those of us who want to see jobs and who disagree with his total lack of responsible leadership, he turned his back on the jobs problem by telling his staff and Congress to start working on the problem and he.... got on his plane and jetted off to Tampa.   

(What an asshole!)  

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Tonight’s State of the Union speech by President Obama is probably not going to be listened to by as many Americans as have tuned in to other Presidential State of the Union addresses. Why not? Because Americans are getting more and more turned off about the President’s condescending tones, his excuses, his stretches of the truth and his downright, outright lies. 

The Massachusetts Senate race last week may have meant a lot of different things to a lot of people, but the plain simple truth of the situation is that Brown and Coakley were running neck and neck until Obama showed up to stump for Coakley. The polling numbers then proceeded to go beserk in Brown’s favor. 

Since that hysterical moment, Obama has reportedly been in a funk, stewing over his health care plan, worried about his debts to his far left liberal friends, blaming Fox News, and vowing to get his way come hell or high water. And, in a wild attempt to regain control of the situation, Obama is slated to announce a “budget freeze” that is about as worthless and useless as a two-bit... politician. 

Americans don’t want to hear another word of political B.S.

Obama is likely to lash out at the Republicans for not being cooperative. Not that I’m enamored with the Republicans, but I don’t recall that they have been given a single opportunity to participate in any political discussions about the future of the country. In fact, Obama, Pelosi and Reid made it abundantly and arrogantly clear that they are in control and there is not one damned thing the Republicans, or even the people for that matter, can do about it. 

Now that the people have managed to do something even the Republicans could not… leveling the playing field… they have been staring at themselves in the mirror in utter and pure denial. “My God, how could those ingrates DO this to us?”

And, Barry is likely to tell the world how much better off it is with him at the helm than it was under Bush. Well, we all know that Bush was by no measure a “peach,” but Obama makes him look like a prince in comparison. So, Obama will blame his problems on Bush, the Republicans, Fox, and you and me. Oh, we might hear those three favorite words of his, “I’m sorry, but…” And then, he’s going to tell us how he, the omnipotent one, is going to fix things for us. 

Americans don’t want to hear another word of political B.S.

What Americans do want, Obama, Pelosi and Reid are not willing to provide. We want responsible government. We want people back to work. We want real solutions for the housing foreclosures. We want the unused TARP money back in the Treasury like they promised. But, they are foaming at their mouths, bound and determined to get a health care plan passed. They’re still focused on that. 

We want an end to political payoffs and corruption in Washington. Obviously, they are completely stonewalling that idea, so we know that we have to perform drastic surgery and remove every damned member of Congress that we can. So, now that we have our goals and objectives clear to us, why do we need to listen to Obama squirming and twisting in the wind? 

We’re not to blame for this mess, and we don’t need to listen to some punk kid from Hawaii or wherever he’s from tell us that we are. It’s just that simple.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


For months now, the Obama-Pelosi-Reid machine has been riding rough-shod over the whole country, ignoring the Tea Parties, blaming Bush and the Republicans, talking down in condescending ways, and arrogantly ignoring the voices of the people. They have pulled every dirty political trick in the book. They have threatened, cajoled and bribed their associates in Congress and the Administration in order to get their ways. They have manipulated the media and threatened to close down media outlets that will not toe the line.

Last night, in the heart of Liberal Land, the people signaled their intent to do something about it. 

The people voted a conservative Republican into a seat held by the Kennedy family for 50 years. In the aftermath, pundits have been quick to determine that Democrats, Independents and Republicans alike are ticked off about the Health Care agenda and its associated political gimmickry, as well as unemployment, the economy and the national debt. 

This morning, the White House fired back by saying that the President has no intention of changing anything; he intends to get his health care plan passed and, in essence, he doesn’t give a damn what you or I think, how we vote or what we do to try and stop him. 


Massachusetts has set the example. They have loudly stated the national disenchantment with the “machine.” It is up to the rest of the nation to put a firm stop to this ignorant, arrogant attempted takeover of our country, our government and our freedoms. These banditos riding around on their black horses, who take shots at their enemies and who practice overt oppression of the people must be stopped. 

Thanks to Massachusetts, the stage has now been set to do just that. Are you ready for this?

Saturday, January 16, 2010



Many Democrats have headed to Massachusetts to campaign for Coakley for the Senate seat being voted on Tuesday.  Barney Frank has his bowels in an uproar, lamenting that a Brown win would mean the Health Care Bill will go down in flames, while fellow Democrats have been sourly stewing that democracy might work.  For the first time in decades, there is a realistic possibility that the public will might win! 
Over in the White House, aids are busily working to insert the President's requirements laid out last week during marathon meetings, into the Bill.  The new Bill has a temporary setback; it has yet to go to the Congressional Budget Office for a review and cost analysis, but that could happen at any hour.  As soon as the CBO puts a price tag on it, it goes back to the House where it will undoubtedly be voted on in short order. 

Over at the Senate, the illustrious Ben Nelson from Nebraska who managed to glom onto an eternal Medicaid tax break for his state in return for his crucial December 24th vote in the Senate, has finally and reluctantly caved in to growing pressure from his constituents and the attorneys general of 15 states who are threatening to take Congress to Court; Nelson has asked that his deal be dropped from the Bill.  

Keep those telephone calls, faxes and emails going.  There is, for the very first time in this process, genuine concern in the halls of Congress and in the White House that passage may evoke massive public wrath.  

They're right. 

Friday, January 15, 2010



This weekend is shaping up to be pivotal in the Health Care debacle.  Word is leaking out about a deal struck with the unions that will give the rest of us higher premiums and taxes and less benefits.  

Don’t be embarrassed to stand up for your country. Do it, do it now, and do it with pride.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Congress is out of control. Congress no longer reports to the American people; the American people report to, and are subjects of, Congress. Congress only reports to the President. 

We are to blame for allowing this “fundamental transformation” in our government to take place. President Obama told us he was going to do just that and we elected him to office. Now, it has become his mandate, a behest from the voters to make the “transformation” complete. Congress shows every sign of wanting to follow this “mandate” right over the cliffs of American Democracy. 

This is how we got to the point that the Senate had the audacity to ignore the polls and the will of the people to pass their version of the Health Care plan on Christmas Eve. This is why, when all of the dirt came out about the unethical tricks they played with Nebraska, Louisiana and Michigan in order to get the bill passed, they justified it by saying “That’s how the system works in Washington.” Most of those guys know in their hearts that what they are doing is wrong, but they are doing it anyway, because they have to support Obama’s “mandate.” 

Ben Nelson knew it. Had we been flies on the wall in the smoke-filled back rooms of the Senate when Reid was holed up with Rahm Emanuel and hammering the Senate version out, we probably would have heard this speech: “Listen, Benny, this is the way it’s going to work. You are going to vote ‘yes’ on the passage of this bill, and here’s why. No one in Nebraska will ever have to pay a Medicaid bill again…ever. You will get an extra $20 million in your campaign coffers and the President himself will make repeated personal visits to your state to help you in your reelection when the time comes. If you should happen, by any remote chance, to vote ‘no,’ then we are going to shit on Nebraska like you have never seen shit fly before. We’ll close Offutt AFB, we’ll cut federal funding, we’ll pay an opponent to run against you, and we’ll make sure that the whole world knows what an asshole Ben Nelson is. You’ll see I.R.S. audits like you’ve never imagined. You, Senator, would not want to see the grief we can lay on you.” In my mind, I’m sure that’s the way it came down, or something very close to it. 

Almost sounds like the Chicago Mob, doesn’t it? 

Obama has laid out all of his political capital to get the health care bill passed. He knows that if this bill fails, he doesn’t stand a chance of getting any of the rest of his agenda passed, either. In his mind, if it gets passed and he can sign it, he not only can run rough-shod over the entire country regarding every one of his other agenda items, but over our Constitution as well. As he has already said to those of us who would stop him, “Shut up and get out of the way.” This is why the secret hearings going on with Reid, Pelosi, Emanuel and the “boys,” will never see the light of a C-SPAN Television broadcast. 

When it eventually makes its way out of that back room, the chances of us having 72 hours to pour over it on the Internet are slim and none, zero, zilch. This thing is going to hit the floor of the House, probably get passed at 2:00 AM on a Saturday morning, land in the Senate and get passed at 2:00 AM on Sunday morning, all without anyone reading it. This has been their track record so far; you know it and I know it. 
Monday morning, the President will invite everyone over to the Oval Office for a signing ceremony and he’ll pat everyone on the back and he’ll grandstand about their success in “this historic moment for the American people,” and he’ll move right on to “Cap and Trade.” 

Are we going to allow this to happen? 

We all know in our hearts that this is a moment in history when our American Democracy will either survive, or it will die forever. If we want it to survive, and I assume you do or you would not be reading this, then we have to make it plain and clear that passage of this Bill, before we Americans have a chance to read it on the Internet and to digest it, discuss it, and voice our opinions, there will be holy hell to pay. This is not the time to shrug our shoulders and sit on the couch hoping God will intervene. We have to do something. 

Yes, we need health care reform.  Quality of care is excellent, but the cost is escalating.  Although they promised us that this new bill would brings costs under control, there is nothing in it to control malpractice awards, prescription costs, or rising insurance premiums.  Not only must we prevent this bill from passing, but we must then turn around and push for the legislation that will actually solve the problem without "transforming our country." 

Call, write, FAX, email your Congressional delegates, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and President Obama. Send copies to your local newspapers. Don’t mince words. Don’t wait until tomorrow. If we fail on this mission, we will have no one but ourselves to blame for the resulting travesty. 

Don’t be embarrassed to stand up for your country. Do it, do it now, and do it with pride.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010


The rage that coursed through the bloodstreams of Americans when they discovered that Nebraska would never have to pay another Medicaid bill, in return for which we “other Americans” would be paying Nebraska’s Medicaid bills and getting a hike in our taxes and health care premiums as a result of Ben Nelson’s vote for the Senate Health Care Plan, points out how little we do know about “how the system works.” The excuse offered by Reid and others for this unethical maneuver was “that’s how the system works,” or “that’s how we do things in Washington.“ How’s that for getting in your face? 

Well, let me say this about that: Just because that’s the way you do things does not make it morally, ethically, or even legally right. Using that saying as the reason for doing things the way you do them is a copout. YOU, Senator and Congressman, are in charge of “the system,” the way things are done. And, now that the door has opened on “how the system works,” it has shed light on the fact that the way you do things in Washington is fundamentally unethical and unfair. 

For example, you are playing smoke and mirrors with the American public and the costs of the Health Care Plan. You saddle the states with the Medicaid costs, and you make back room deals to send the states more money in state aid later in response to their resulting budget crisis, when you don’t have to explain to anyone that your Medicaid decisions added to their budget crisis. Then you smile demurely at us and tell us that you have managed to cut the costs of your Health Care Plan. Now, go away, little boy. 

We Americans are to blame for allowing you to be reelected over and over again. And, don’t bother to stand there pointing your fingers to the other party, either; you all do it and have been doing it to we, the people, for decades. You have been double-dealing and dirty-dealing us for far too long. 

Make no mistake about it: We, the people, are not going to sit docilely on our couches and allow you to do these things to us any longer. When we tell you loud and clear that we don’t want this or that, we are not handing you a license to go and disguise it as something else and put it back into the hopper, either. Quit playing with your smoke and mirrors and start playing straight, and if you can’t play it straight, go get a job on a used car lot where you can lie and stretch the truth all you want. 

Now, you are going to get your backs up Mr. Reid, Mrs. Pelosi, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Dodd, Mr. Lieberman and the rest of the gang….and you are going to duck the issue by lashing out and accusing me of being angry, politically incorrect, a right-wing extremist, misinformed and irrelevant. 

You want me to be polite? Okay, I’ll be polite:  Get out now, while the getting is good. Don’t let the doors hit you in your asses on the way out. This time, you have no one to blame, but yourselves, because we are not going to take it any longer.

Sunday, January 03, 2010