Monday, March 30, 2020


A Texas firm has advised its employees that the dollar amount they receive from the government stimulus will be deducted from their next payroll check, ostensibly because they need to reduce their payroll costs.  

How would you like to work for that company?  Knowing their ethics, ow would you like to do business with that company? 

Friday, March 27, 2020


Change your name to Thomas Massie.  Right up to the very end, Massie screamed bloody murder that he would not allow the relief bill to pass, even objecting as the vote actually took place.  As he got overruled in his attempt to force House Members to physically show up and risk spread of the Coronavirus, Massie continued to vociferously object.  

Hopefully, that'll be the end of his political career.  


After the Senate passed the Coronavirus relief bill and sent it on to the House for additional action, the nation now anxiously waits to see what nasty stunt Pelosi is going to pull next, as over 3 million Americans file for unemployment.  

The primary reason the House didn't take the matter up yesterday is that yesterday was Nancy Pelosi's birthday... and she took the day off.  

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


With the Senate on the precipice of finally passing an emergency Coronavirus relief bill, Pelosi adjourned the House today after saying there was "no way" they were about to work expeditiously to help stressed-out Americans.  Pelosi wants her pork and there is no guarantee that, just because Americans are suffering, she will give her pork up.  If we balk at government-funded abortions or fancy art in the museums, then people will just have to sit on it and rotate.  

Why do we allow one mean woman to have this much power over us?  Why?  


How much longer are Americans going to sit still while the fascist Democrats rule the roost in Washington?  

Monday, March 23, 2020


Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and their cohorts in the Senate and House have lowered themselves to be miles below the sewer line.  With five Senate Republicans sidelined due to Coronavirus quarantine, Pelosi exercised her demonic streak Sunday night by telling both Senate and House Dems that they had to back away from the agreement they had committed to on the relief bill.  Pelosi then inserted several pork-barrel demands into the bill which have nothing to do with Coronavirus or the economy... knowing that the Republicans would then refuse to abide by her commands and that the legislation would die... ostensibly making the Republicans look like the bad guys.   

In the meantime... Americans are stressed out financially and mentally, facing insurmountable hardships which the Dems obviously don't give a rat's ass about.  

May God damn all of them.  


Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, along with their fellow Democrat thugs,  yesterday threw a huge monkey wrench into prospects of getting an aid package passed in the near future.  

Now, with them prolonging the economic misery of Americans, just why would you even think about voting for a Democrat in November?  They're playing politics with your life.   

Friday, March 20, 2020


The Public Interest Legal Foundation reports that over 244 counties in 29 U.S. states have more people registered to vote than they have inhabitants in their county. Couple that with the enormous Democrat push to have all votes cast by mail during the Coronavirus; that opens the door for massive voter fraud.  

Let's face it: the left and the Democrat Party are so stressed out over the rise of conservatism in America and the popularity of President Trump that they are capable of wanting to do anything to win back their powers.  Their repeated attempts to block Supreme Court nominees and to remove Trump from office underscore their abject hatred.  

Therefore, we need to be on the watch for anything that might even remotely compromise the integrity of our election system.  It's up to us to be vigilant. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


So here's the deal: You figure, like I do, that the whole Coronavirus thing is being vastly overblown and that it has become a political tool to use against Trump.  

On the other hand, if you do contract the virus and you don't know it because you have no symptoms yet, and you venture out into the public and infect other people... somebody might die.  That would constructively make you a murderer.  

Go along with the program.  Stay in, stay warm, stay safe.  Save a life today.  

Monday, March 16, 2020


Lindsey Graham may be on his way out.  

As Senator from South Carolina and Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Graham has made promise after promise to investigate the origins of the Russian collusion hoax, the Biden Ukranian connection and the Benghazi Massacre, among other things.  Because the House is under control of the Democrats and hellbent on removing President Trump from office, the Senate has been Americans' last hope to have the evildoers of Washington held accountable for their treasonous acts.  

Graham now faces a formidable reelection challenger, Democrat Jaime Harrison, in November.  At last count, Graham was in serious trouble; the polls had him at a slim 47% to 45% lead.  Graham should be in a solid lead, but Republicans are getting sick and tired of "all talk and no action." 

Perhaps both Republicans and Independents would be more in his favor if he would start living up to his promises. 

Friday, March 13, 2020


Back in the day when the Supreme Court was stacked with left-leaning liberal Justices, when Obama was appointing left-wing activist Judges to Federal benches who actively undermined our Constitution, and when all of the court rulings favored the "establishment" and the "Deep State,"  Democrats were flying high and tell us conservatives to sit down and shut up.  But now that the President has appointed two Justices who actively subscribe to and support the Constitution and now that liberal activist Federal Judges are being replaced with Constitutionalists, the Democrats and activist Judges are crying foul

Schumer crossed the line in early March by threatening Justices Gorsuch and  Kavanaugh.  Judge Lynn Adelman of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin just blasted the Roberts-led Court claiming that it doesn't follow the wishes of the American public.  Well, jack ass... #1, the Court isn't supposed to follow what Americans want; it's job is to interpret the laws and the Constitution.  If you don't like it, change the laws.  #2, Americans elected Donald Trump as their President because they were damned tired of activist lunatics like you destroying our Constitution and the laws. 

So, now, Judge, it's time for you to retire and make way for someone who doesn't think that he or she has the right to make their own laws for this country. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


The federal government has some pretty extensive requirements for keeping records of all of its activities.  In the past, they simply didn't allow the public to see those records, but in 2007 and 2016 significant changes were made to the Freedom of Information Act which required disclosure of virtually all unclassified documents and records upon request.  The government and the "Deep State," not wishing to let the public know what they were doing, then started the practice of sloppy record keeping... or simply not keeping required records at all.  

And we're letting them get away with it. 

Monday, March 09, 2020


We Americans are quick to say we're not to blame.  We also bellyache about the establishment and the deep state. 

Former Alabama Senator Jefferson  Beauregard Sessions disgracefully served as U.S. Attorney General.  in 2017 and 2018.  The entire country was sick and tired of his antics.  Now, however, he's running for his old Senate seat from Alabama and he has enough votes in the primary that he's going into a March 31st runoff election.  Considering his past performance, he shouldn't even be on the ballot.  

Alabamans are to blame.  

Friday, March 06, 2020


The only reason the Democrats don't have a woman in the final two, according to Hillary, is that Americans are afraid to have a woman as president.  Americans are insecure and sexist.  

There you've heard it... from the pillar of wisdom herself.