Monday, November 30, 2020

Fox News Doubles Down On Its Arrogant Stupidity

The story eking out over the weekend is that Fox News, faced with a sharp decline in viewership over its lack of responsible journalism as it shifts dramatically to the left, has decided to compound its corporate stupidity by blacklisting any and all guests who have appeared on Newsmax TV.   


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Republican Party Will Now Dry Up & Die

The fix was in on the 2020 elections.  As for the Republicans in charge, they were either too dumb to see it coming, or they just didn't give a damn if it did happen. 

Either way, they've lost both the interest and the support of their party.  

And a Happy Thanksgiving to you, too.  

Monday, November 23, 2020

DVS Is To Blame!

Canada, where Dominion Voting Systems is based, has barred their equipment for use in elections.  So did Texas.  

So, why did these other states with their contested elections all use Dominion systems?  

Who are the owners of Dominon and how are they connected to Venezuela, the CIA, Soros and the Clintons? Why are their headquarters in Canada and their processing centers in France and Spain? This all smells like a real, real dead fish!

We have the right to know! 

Friday, November 20, 2020

We Haven't Been Had... Yet

By yesterday afternoon, widespread rumors of massive vote fraud and manipulations of elections results were surfacing in news reports across the country.  It appears that Trump may have won the presidency election by a landslide, but that votes in his favor were automatically switched by election computer systems and software created and used by Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic.  

It is absolutely necessary that we Americans stand up now to demand a full and complete investigation, not by the DOJ or the FBI, but by an Independent Counsel appointed by the U.S. Senate.  Being once-again confined to our homes due to the Chinse Virus, we have every opportunity to do just that.


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

California's Newsom May Order Statewide Curfews

California Governor Gavin Newsom has announced he is seriously considering mandating a statewide curfew to keep people from leaving their houses during the Chinese Virus crisis. What... just what is he going to do when half of the state shows up at his secluded mansion and starts a raucous and rebellious protest?    

I'm old and intelligent enough to know what the risks are and to decide for myself whether or not I want to take them. I don't need his nanny dictates to tell me how to get out of bed in the morning! He can take his goddam mandates and shove them where the sun don't shine!


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Antifa: More To Come

Tens of thousands of peaceful demonstrators showed up in Washington, DC on Saturday to showcase their fervent support for President Trump. It was a great day for such a gathering and even the President himself showed up!  

Ominously, the peaceful songs and cheers were abruptly interrupted by Antifa thugs, beating on those who dared to have a peaceful protest in support of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Participants were sucker-punched, shoved, thrown to the ground and kicked.  The message was clear: Antifa is in charge and freedom of expression or speech no longer exists!  

It's only going to get worse. Antifa now has standing! Their repulsive, fascist behaviors have been legitimized by the taking over of our government by radical left-wing extremists.  

Unfortunately, the worst is yet to come!  


Monday, November 16, 2020

Lou Dobbs Is Correct

The goddam Republicans had damned-well better stand up and get behind President Trump, dig their heels and investigative minds into the problems, and shut down these atrocities against our Constitution... or they can kiss their asses and the Republican Party goodbye in 2022!

Friday, November 13, 2020

Biden Campaign Demanding Censorship!

The Biden Campaign is issuing many demands, among them being the demand for Facebook and Twitter to ban posts from all Trump supporters! They claim that posts by Trump supporters are "shredding the fabric of our democracy." 

Once you start censorship, democracy is totally toast. The fact that the Biden folks want to have censorship should tell you where our country is heading.  


Monday, November 09, 2020

The End Of The Republican Party

Countless times over the past 15 years, the Republicans have actually been in the driver's seat. Yet, they have failed miserably at taking the reins of American leadership and returning the country to the foundations upon which the nation was built and under which it flourished.  

It s almost as if they are in cahoots with the Democrats, pretending to be against them while working secretly in the back rooms of Congress to push the country further and further toward tyranny and oppression... kind of like an old dog and pony show.  

If they are not going to stand up and work together for the better of America, who needs them? To be blunt, they are inept at best and negligent to say the least.  They have morphed into becoming useless bastards in a corrupt government.  

When a guy came along who was willing to bite many bullets to try and reverse the swamp, a guy who Americans responded to, a guy who salvaged countless Republican politicians from being ousted, the Republicans never supported him! Many actively tried to undermine him. They let the press, the media, the left-wingers, the liberals, Antifa and BLM control the narrative and they lifted nary a finger to oppose them! Now that we are in a sea of election fraud and malfeasance, they tell us to act like grownups, be patient and shut the hell up?

We are taught to give people who make mistakes a second chance. Unfortunately, there are only so many times that Americans can turn their cheeks! 

Let the Republican Party disappear into oblivion! It will be a demise of their own making. 


Sunday, November 08, 2020

FOX NEWS Turns Their Coats

FOX NEWS has again suspended venerable host Jeanine Piro for an undetermined period, this time because she wanted to discuss voter fraud on her Saturday night show. 

Friday, November 06, 2020

Thank you Republicans!

Thanks for coalescing and standing behind our President for the last four years! Thanks for everything you have done for this country over the last 20 years! 

Frankly, you have screwed us yet again! Fuck you!


How Long?

How long are we Americans going to put up with this bullshit before WE take to the streets? 

And they wonder we we don't trust a living soul in D.C.?

Thursday, November 05, 2020

How In The Hell...

Can this nation elect a corrupt crook who doesn't know what day of the week it is to the White House? 



Wednesday, November 04, 2020

If You Didn't Vote

I don't want to hear your bitching and complaining about how the country is being run for the next four years!