Countless times over the past 15 years, the Republicans have actually been in the driver's seat. Yet, they have failed miserably at taking the reins of American leadership and returning the country to the foundations upon which the nation was built and under which it flourished.
It s almost as if they are in cahoots with the Democrats, pretending to be against them while working secretly in the back rooms of Congress to push the country further and further toward tyranny and oppression... kind of like an old dog and pony show.
If they are not going to stand up and work together for the better of America, who needs them? To be blunt, they are inept at best and negligent to say the least. They have morphed into becoming useless bastards in a corrupt government.
When a guy came along who was willing to bite many bullets to try and reverse the swamp, a guy who Americans responded to, a guy who salvaged countless Republican politicians from being ousted, the Republicans never supported him! Many actively tried to undermine him. They let the press, the media, the left-wingers, the liberals, Antifa and BLM control the narrative and they lifted nary a finger to oppose them! Now that we are in a sea of election fraud and malfeasance, they tell us to act like grownups, be patient and shut the hell up?
We are taught to give people who make mistakes a second chance. Unfortunately, there are only so many times that Americans can turn their cheeks!
Let the Republican Party disappear into oblivion! It will be a demise of their own making.