She's not even been officially elected yet and it has already started. First, it was the Hsu thing with the $850,000 in illegal campaign contributions that she says she is going to return. Has she?
Then, it was sneaking Sandy Berger into her campaign management. Remember good-old-boy Sandy, the former National Security Advisor for Billy who got caught stealing documents after Bush took office?
Now, it comes out that Hillary listened to secretly recorded cell-phone conversations involving political enemies. As recently as August, Clinton was advocating for the rights of people to sue if their phone conversations are illegally intercepted.
I often wondered if any of Billy's misfeasances and malfeasances were deliberately manufactured in order to cover up dirtier deeds. Not that it matters. What DOES matter is that the political stars have already lined up enough for us to forecast that it's going to be eight more years of the same old tripe.
Do I sound as if her election is a "done deal?" What makes you think it isn't? As it stands today, on this day.... There's no one in the race, Democrat or Republican, who can stop her. Unless she stumbles, and her well-organized team is not likely to let that happen, it IS a done deal. And, I'll guarantee you.... within 30 days of her coronation, you and 90% of the rest of this country are going to be insisting that you never voted for her.... the same percentage 30 days after Billy's inauguration.
So, that means that, already, we're not to blame?
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