Monday, April 14, 2008


You heard me right. Search with your browser under “gay blood” and you’ll turn up a whole slew of complaints from the gay community about the fact that the FDA bans them from donating blood. It’s discriminatory and it violates their civil rights. To add fuel to the fire, San Jose State University has taken their side by disallowing on-campus blood drives until the ban on gay blood is lifted.

I’m going to respond to this issue as politely as I can manage under the circumstances: Gays, not only do I not want your God damned blood, I will refuse it rather than accept it, even if I am on my death bed. So, take your horseshit agendas and stick ‘em where the sun doesn’t shine.

What in the hell makes you think that you have any right whatsoever to expose my blood to even the slightest of possibilities of being infected with the HIV Aids virus? Who in HELL do you think you are?

Anyone at FDA who allows this to happen should be immediately charged with conspiracy to commit murder and so should the staff and faculty of San Jose State. That’s what they are proposing. This is not about being anti-gay. This is not about discrimination or a violation of civil rights. This is about my life, my children’s lives and their children’s lives.

And frankly, I don’t care whether you like my stand or not. YOU are to blame for this ludicrous demand. Rot in hell.

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