Thursday, June 26, 2008


It wasn’t a landslide ruling by any means, (5-4), but it was historical in that this is the first time the Supremes have come right out and said that we do have the 2nd Amendment Right to Bear Arms. Frankly speaking, the Amendment is included as part of the individual citizen’s Bill of Rights. It is difficult for me to understand why the vote should not have been 9-0.

Those who oppose the right to bear arms in this country do so under the pretext that guns kill innocent people. They are quick to add that most violent crimes in the country involve a handgun, thereby leaving one to believe that the absence of guns would prevent violent crime. We all know that these arguments are fallacious, and I’m not going to belabor that point here.

In the pursuit of convincing the rest of America that guns should be outlawed, there have been many misstatements, many of which leave the impression that those who own guns are somehow responsible for gun crime or, at the very least, negligent care and guardianship of their weapons in such a manner that the rest of the country has had its safety threatened. I think nearly all handgun owners in this country…probably 98% of them…would agree with me when I say that I have had a loaded gun, cocked, ready to shoot and within quick reach within my house for must of my life, (over 50 years), and I have never fired it anywhere except on the range. No child has ever been in danger because I had a gun in my house. Although I have come very close to having to use my gun in self defense more than once in my life, I’ve never had to brandish it or show it and I had the sense not to.

Yet, there is no doubt in my mind that the main reason my house has not been burglarized is because every single criminal who might think about it knows that the odds of my having a loaded gun available are very high.

In California, the move has been on to circumvent my right to bear arms by making it nearly impossible to buy ammunition. To me, this is the same, insanely demented logic that prevents me from buying allergy and cold medication without paying an arm and a leg for it over the pharmacy counter as opposed to selecting it off the shelf. Those medications contain ingredients which can be extracted and used by druggies. I, the innocent civilian, have to pay the penalty for it. Two to three percent of the people in this country are the bad guys, and our legislatures and Congress want the other 97% to 98% to give up some of their rights because of it.

I don’t know where this kind of screwed up thinking comes from. Golf balls kill people. Close the golf courses and make it illegal to own golf clubs. Cars kill people. Make it illegal to own one and solve the world’s energy crisis at the same time. Bicycles, knives, forks, hammers, and the list goes on. Where do you draw the line? WHERE DO YOU DRAW THE LINE BETWEEN INSANITY AND REASON? The plain truth often stings and hurts people who do not want to hear it. So, let’s make it illegal to write, or to possess writings?

We are NOT to blame! Get over it. Go soak your head in a bucket of absurdity.

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