Monday, August 11, 2008

THE PHONE RINGS AT 3:00 AM: Obama Fails To Answer

Friday, August 8, 2008, Russia began to bomb and invade Georgia. Obama was on a plane to Hawaii.

Bush reacted from China with a timorous statement through a generic White House employee. McCain issued a statement calling for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal from Georgia by Russian troops and called for an emergency session of the United Nations. Obama fumbled the ball, simultaneously condemning the attack and saying everyone should sit down and talk. And, he showed who's the guy who cares about the situation by staying in Hawaii and sunning himself on the beach.

Now, of course, he's not President yet, so what could he do anyway? Given his lack of expertise on the subject and a national question as to whether or not he is prepared to take the Presidential reins, I would think he'd want to calm the jittery nerves of the world by either flying back to the mainland or by flying some top, key advisers and staff down to join him in Hawaii to "bring him up to date on the situation." He didn't.

One can only surmise that he is too arrogant, doesn't care what people think, or in the hands of totally incompetent campaign staff. He has indicated to me, at least, that his response to national emergencies is going to be weak and fainthearted, somewhat like what we had in the Jimmy Carter years.

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