Bad boys study hard and get good grades. Bad boys finish their homework before they go out and play. Bad boys get up early in the morning and review their homework assignments from the day before. There will be no grading system in the schools. Those who do not do their homework at all are entitled to get the same grade as those who work and study. There will only be one grade awarded in school: passing. There will be no failures.
Bad boys go to private colleges and universities. There must be no private colleges and universities. All post secondary education will be owned and controlled by the government. All students are entitled to have the same opportunity to get a degree in whatever it is they want to be. It does not matter what your skills or abilities are; there will be no discrimination. Any one can do what they want and all are equal. All those who attend four years of college will get a degree. There will be no grading system.
Bad boys marry bad girls. Boys should only marry good girls. Good girls stay at home and cook, do laundry and raise children. Women do not belong in the work force. When there are no women in the work force, there will be no unemployment because there will be plenty of jobs to go around for everyone, including undocumented aliens.
Bad boys show up to work early, drink their coffee and eat their doughnuts and are already at work when the 8:00 AM whistle signals it is time to begin work. Bad boys only take 45 minutes for lunch. Bad boys do not stop working during the day; they do not leave their assigned duty stations to associate with others, check the water cooler, or shoot the bull. Bad boys stay at their duty stations until 5:00 PM before they clean up their duty areas and leave for the day. Bad boys take extra training and try to do their jobs better each day. All employees are equal. Bad boys accept raises and incentives to do a good job; all employees will be paid the same, whether they do a good job or not. All job assignments will have a quota of work output to be expected each day. No one will be allowed or encouraged to exceed that work quota. The work quota will be established so that even the slowest and most challenged employees can accomplish their quota. No records shall be kept of job performance, absenteeism, or extra training taken.
Bad boys buy bigger and better houses to raise their families in. No one shall be allowed to own their house; all houses will be built by and owned by the government. All houses shall be the same square footage, same color, and be on the same sized lot. Bad boys have bigger and better cars, nicer clothing, and more food than the rest of the boys. This creates discrimination. Discrimination is outlawed. Every one is equal and the same.
Bad boys ask questions. It is up to the government to decide what information the people need to know. Boys must dummy up and keep their mouths shut. Only the good boys, who do exactly what their life assignments are determined to be by the government, will be allowed to advance to the elite plateau. Those determined by the government to be eligible for the elite plateau will be allowed to become managers in their professions or to be workers for the politburo. Only those being selected by the government as eligible for the elite plateau can receive higher pay or live in nice neighborhoods.
Anyone who questions the system, or who seeks answers from the government, shall be ostracized and shunned. Banishment from American society altogether is the likely outcome for being a bad boy.
Be a good boy. Shut up and get out of the way.
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