Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I think that Obama is so self-absorbed that he has cut off all ties with reality. He fails to recognize that, when everyone else in the country disagrees with him, he’s wrong. He thinks that he didn’t deliver the message right, or that we didn’t hear it right, or that the process didn’t work right. Therefore, in his mind, all of us are wrong and he’s right.

That’s dangerous thinking. Psychopaths think that way. But, I’ll stop short of calling him a psychopath because I don’t want Jimmy Carter to call me a racist. 

Obama tried to play nice yesterday at his impromptu press conference, but he just couldn’t resist putting on the muscle. He said in one breath that he wanted to work more closely with Congress, but then went on to say that he wants his nominees confirmed or he’ll make appointments during the Congressional recess. He just can’t resist putting on the muscle and acting like a two-bit street hood from Chicago. Sometimes, he makes Darth Vader look like a choir boy.

He pretended to reach across the aisle on health care, but did not hesitate to add that he will NOT go back and start with a new bill and he will NOT wait another year. You and I would look at it and say Congress has made too many mistakes by trying to make a bad bill look good; just start over. But, he looks at us as if we are the enemy because we dare to question his intelligence. After all, he’s the President. 

When he hears that the whole country thinks his health care plan sucks, he retorts that“The public has soured on the process…” but not the result? Bullshit. We’re angry with both the process and the results. I guess, in his eyes, that means we are to blame?

To be fair about it, he said that the country which develops good, clean energy will end up leading the global economy and I agree with him on that. That does not, however, mean that I subscribe to his Cap & Trade, but I’m sure he will hear it that way. 

One of these days, Barack Hussein Obama is going to have his veils of secrecy collapse. His real psyche well be bared to the entire world and he will probably suffer a nervous breakdown when faced with the ultimate reality that he is only the President and not a deity. I don’t think he is strong enough to endure such revelations of truth and will probably have a nervous breakdown and spend the rest of his life in a mental institution. 

That’s why I don’t believe he will finish his first term. I don’t mean any disrespect, but he’s obviously not “all there.” 

1 comment:

Dennzie said...

Well - given that his best experience for the job was 2/3 of a term in Congress - his history of finishing things is probably not too strong. But a "Community Organizer" only has to be able to start things anyway!

We shall see...
