The news is ominous. Iran may have an additional two secret nuclear research installations and may be much further along in its nuclear weapons program than we thought. North Korea may be responsible for the sinking of a South Korean naval vessel over the weekend. The Taliban is ratcheting up its offenses in Afghanistan. Terrorists bombed Russian subways. A “Christian” Militia operating in three states was on the verge of launching a domestic terrorism attack against law enforcement officers.
Those are the military dangers.
The world’s economy is in jeopardy, led by our national economy which is being pushed closer to a bottomless abyss as a result of continued extravagant spending by a runaway President. The nation is in the middle of political wreckage as a result of unethical, dirty and corrupt legislation in the Capitol. The fabric of American society is being stretched to the limits by those who stir the fires of racism.
Is the timing of all of this an accident? Or, is it being deliberately orchestrated? If it is deliberate, why?
The American Tea Party is swelling its ranks with disenchanted citizens whose voices are becoming louder and insistent on returning to more simple and conservative times. In the face of these protestations, the President and liberals are seeking to marginalize the Tea Partiers by accusing them of racism, inciting violence, and being “irrelevant,” and Americans are beginning to realize that their country is in the clutches of Marxist socialists intent on dismantling the Constitution and bending the wills of citizens and Congress into compliance with an ominous agenda.
These are troubling and explosive times.
The time may well be at hand when we need to quit worrying about who to blame and start worrying about how we’re going to deal with all of this.
The shuckers and duckers of the world need to be exposed for who and what they are.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Ted Nugent has announced a new national movement to take our country back.
On November 2, 2010, we Americans have the opportunity to renew Independence Day.
We can do this.
Starting today, let us unite, arm-in-arm, shoulder-to-shoulder. Let us stand united against this terrible, oppressive path our government has taken. Let's arm ourselves with knowledge. Let's grab our friends, relatives and neighbors and work together, every minute of every day. Let's focus on what must be done and never, ever, allow these idiots admission to the halls of American power again.
Not only can we do this. we MUST.
Let's roll!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
When John McCain called Washington “The City of Satan,” he hit the nail squarely on the head.
Well, they lied, manipulated, disinformed, misinformed, bribed and threatened their way until they got what they championed as the greatest thing to hit America since sliced bread. If it was so damned good, why did they have to resort to these tactics in order to get the passage?
Just so you know, (and no one will dispute these things):
(1) They convinced America this bill will only cost $940 billion over a ten year period, but that’s because we’ll be paying for it for four years before t kicks in. The actual cost of operation for a ten year period beginning in year four, when it’s fully operational, will be over $2 trillion. Where in God’s name are we going to get this money?
(2) Illegal immigrants will be covered after they pass the new immigration reform bill that will provide amnesty. That’s 12 million more people on the plan who are not in the CBO calculations.
(3) The “doctor fix” has already been agreed to, back in December, and will now be enacted into law and will cost another $200 billion that is not in the CBO calculations.
(4) The White House is already admitting that the Executive Order banning public funding of abortions isn’t worth the paper it’s written on. So, America’s Catholics and others who object to abortion are now forced by law into paying for them.
(5) There is absolutely no, zero, zilch provision anywhere in this legislation that will reduce or contain costs.
There’s a litany of other things fundamentally wrong with this legislation. For one thing, the manner in which it was accomplished is contrary to the Constitution. We as Americans should be marching down Pennsylvania Avenue in total outrage instead of sitting here crying in our beer. I’ve said for several weeks that this changed into being a battle of the wills between American citizens and an overbearing, oppressive government. If you think I’m exaggerating, ask yourselves why the President and Congress have decided that the provisions of this bill will be enforced by the Internal Revenue Service; that’s about as oppressive as you can get.
You know what? I, for one, am not going to roll over and play dead. I will fight this travesty, this treason against our Constitution, with every last dying breath in my body. I know that it was because of the uproar of the citizens in the final days of this legislation that they huddled behind closed doors and refused to stand up and voice their votes when the time came. They have looked into the eyes of citizens who are madder than hell, and they have felt fear.
This is a time for men and women of principle, Americans who believe in God and their country, to stand firmly together and to rise to the occasion that our forefathers knew we would one day face. We owe it to them and to our children to work together to remove this scourge that is infesting our country. On September 11, 2001, patriotism spread across this nation and we stood side-by-side in the face of adversity. We now need to do it again.
We cannot allow ourselves to be the ones to blame for the demise of America. As for me, I’m not giving up; I’m just getting started.
Well, they lied, manipulated, disinformed, misinformed, bribed and threatened their way until they got what they championed as the greatest thing to hit America since sliced bread. If it was so damned good, why did they have to resort to these tactics in order to get the passage?
Just so you know, (and no one will dispute these things):
(1) They convinced America this bill will only cost $940 billion over a ten year period, but that’s because we’ll be paying for it for four years before t kicks in. The actual cost of operation for a ten year period beginning in year four, when it’s fully operational, will be over $2 trillion. Where in God’s name are we going to get this money?
(2) Illegal immigrants will be covered after they pass the new immigration reform bill that will provide amnesty. That’s 12 million more people on the plan who are not in the CBO calculations.
(3) The “doctor fix” has already been agreed to, back in December, and will now be enacted into law and will cost another $200 billion that is not in the CBO calculations.
(4) The White House is already admitting that the Executive Order banning public funding of abortions isn’t worth the paper it’s written on. So, America’s Catholics and others who object to abortion are now forced by law into paying for them.
(5) There is absolutely no, zero, zilch provision anywhere in this legislation that will reduce or contain costs.
There’s a litany of other things fundamentally wrong with this legislation. For one thing, the manner in which it was accomplished is contrary to the Constitution. We as Americans should be marching down Pennsylvania Avenue in total outrage instead of sitting here crying in our beer. I’ve said for several weeks that this changed into being a battle of the wills between American citizens and an overbearing, oppressive government. If you think I’m exaggerating, ask yourselves why the President and Congress have decided that the provisions of this bill will be enforced by the Internal Revenue Service; that’s about as oppressive as you can get.
You know what? I, for one, am not going to roll over and play dead. I will fight this travesty, this treason against our Constitution, with every last dying breath in my body. I know that it was because of the uproar of the citizens in the final days of this legislation that they huddled behind closed doors and refused to stand up and voice their votes when the time came. They have looked into the eyes of citizens who are madder than hell, and they have felt fear.
This is a time for men and women of principle, Americans who believe in God and their country, to stand firmly together and to rise to the occasion that our forefathers knew we would one day face. We owe it to them and to our children to work together to remove this scourge that is infesting our country. On September 11, 2001, patriotism spread across this nation and we stood side-by-side in the face of adversity. We now need to do it again.
We cannot allow ourselves to be the ones to blame for the demise of America. As for me, I’m not giving up; I’m just getting started.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
I urge you to take up the issue of recalling your Congressional House Representatives who voted against the people in your state and against the Constitution of the United States of America.
I urge you to take up the issue of recalling your Congressional House Representatives who voted against the people in your state and against the Constitution of the United States of America.
Because this President has made so many enemies, I think it's going to be a cold day in Hell before this country ever elects another black President.
And, although that's a sad thing to say, it's the blunt truth.
Because this President has made so many enemies, I think it's going to be a cold day in Hell before this country ever elects another black President.
And, although that's a sad thing to say, it's the blunt truth.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
And, of course, there are more lies.
One of the deals evidently made, judging by some of the last minute House vote switching, is that illegal aliens will be covered under the new Government Run Health Care System. But, the cost of doing so has NOT been included in the Congressional Budget Office projections. Here’s the deal:
1. The House passes the Senate version, which is silent on the issue of illegal aliens. The argument they put forth is that since it does not specifically cover illegal aliens, then they are NOT covered, but you need to know that once passed, the argument switches to “since it doesn’t say they are NOT covered, then they ARE covered.” Keep that thought in mind as we go on.
2. The President has announced they are going to tackle immigration reform. It is widely accepted that Obama is going to insist on amnesty for those currently here. Once they have amnesty, they are no longer illegal anyway, right?
3. Since the Health Bill was silent and the illegals are no longer illegal, they will automatically be covered. No mess, no fuss and again, no vote.
How do you think we’re going to pay for that without raising taxes and premiums again, or increasing the national debt?
As for the public-funded abortion problem, the House leadership and Rambo Emanuel from the White House have been insisting that the issue will be resolved in the reconciliation process. Bart Stupak seems to have his doubts and, if a deal is made for that purpose, Pelosi and her cronies will lose a large block of pro-abortionists who insist that abortions be funded.
A hint of what is yet to come leaked out Friday. There is no guarantee that the Senate will go along with any changes included in a reconciliation bill. In fact, the House could pass one, meeting their promises to their Members, and the Senate could vote it down, change it, or let it languish in Committee. Then, of course, the nation is stuck with the Senate Bill as is while Pelosi shrugs her shoulders, Reid “laments,” and Rambo and Obama give each other high-fives in the Oval Office.
This whole scenario, as it is being played out, is in total disregard of overwhelming American opinion. But, the dirty tricksters are already celebrating, announcing they are going forward with Cap & Trade, Immigration Reform, the Public Option and, presumably, gun control. We are left hoping that one of the many lawsuits to be filed will nullify the Health Care Bill; Obama is hoping to chase off at least one conservative member of the Supreme Court before the lawsuits get there, changing the balance of the Court from 5-4 conservative to 5-4 liberal.
He has another Ace up his sleeve. Should the public throw out the Democrats in November, (I guess ACORN is going to be involved again, so who knows what will happen), and should the new Congress pass a law to revoke this Health Care Plan, Obama will veto that bill and it will take a 2/3 majority to overturn the veto, which he is sure will not happen.
It appears that only a miracle can stop this outright travesty of American democracy. Between telephone calls and faxes to Washington, while we’re speed dialing and trying to stop it, we need to be praying for that miracle.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Washington D.C. 20001
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF: 68 C.F.R. 214 Section 182.07, “Health Standards” as follows:
1. We have received information that you have illegal guns in your possession. Guns have been deemed by the Secretary and the Surgeon General to be unhealthy, (S.O.P. 143-A).
2. We have received information that your monthly weight verification reflects that you are 4.8 pounds overweight. Obesity has been determined by the Secretary and the Surgeon General to be unhealthy, (S.O.P. 111-C).
3. We have received information that you have used salt as part of your food intake. Salt has been determined by the Secretary and the Surgeon General to be unhealthy, (S.O.P. 161-B).
4. We have received information that your daughter, (Ermalene Mandee Publica), has two children out of wedlock and is again pregnant. Unwed motherhood has been determined by the Secretary and the Surgeon General to cause undue expense on the Social Services functions of the Department and to be unhealthy, (S.O.P. 23-A).
5. We have received information that you were eight (8) days late in paying your February premium, in violation of S.O.P. 1-F, (g,14).
1. You have turned in all firearms in your possession, (Form 931-6)
2. You have achieved the required weight, (Form 914-3)
3. You have returned to a salt-free diet for at least 30 days prior to your appearance, (Form 965-1)
4. Your daughter, Ermalene Mandee Publica, has aborted her fetus at a government authorized health facility, (Form 919-4)
5. You have arranged for premium payments to be automatically deducted from your checking account, (Form 905.5)
Hava Great Day
Director, Bureau of Health Plan Violations
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
President Obama has dropped objections to any and all sweetheart deals necessary to get his health care bill passed. Nancy Pelosi, now faced with a recalcitrant party few who refuse to go along with her plans to pass health care out of the House of Representatives, is working on getting the unpopular legislation passed without a vote!
And Obama has now scheduled himself into an unprecedented interview on FOX News Wednesday at 6:00 PM in an effort to explain his positions.
(I'm sorry, but I've been watching this mealy-mouthed liar manipulate, disinform and misinform the American public for over a year. I will not be watching.)
Saturday, March 13, 2010
For the first time in decades, Americans are glued to their televisions, radios and computers with an avid interest in what is going on with Washington. And the results show that they are not pleased with what our government has done to us in the past and is setting itself up to do to us in the future. Although the incumbents in the halls of power have become used to waning interest as issues come and go, they are growing increasingly frustrated that the public voice of discontent is getting louder and louder this time around.
In the recent past, Congress and the Executive Branch have been pretty much doing anything they wanted and they’ve been getting away with it. They acquired such a cavalier attitude that they no longer even attempted to hide their dirty deeds and, if caught, they simply pointed the fickle finger of blame at each other, shrugged their shoulders, and proceeded with “business as usual.” In fact, during the public uproar over some of their dirty tricks during the Health Care debates, Harry Reid even had the utter gall to say, in amazement, “But, this is how we do things in Washington.”
Now that they have managed to tick each other off over the Health Care plans, they have taken to blaming the American people for being in the way of getting things done. We’ve been called everything from Astroturf to members of the Mob. If they can’t win an argument on its merits, they denigrate, castigate, and pontificate.
Their problem is that we Americans have learned to hold our heads high and bark back. Americans of all creeds, colors, ethnic backgrounds and political leanings have been awakened and are working shoulder to shoulder, arm to arm and hand in hand to dig for the truths. In a desperate bid to stave off the angry public, Obama and Company are now engaged in a last-ditch effort to pass the monstrous health care plan that is so rotten and putrid that no legitimate process to get it passed can be employed.
We have another ten or so days of this battle for control of our government. It’s between us and them. We have come such a long way, we simply cannot draw a deep breath or let our guards down now. We can and we must win this battle. Our national energy has been mired down in this health care muck too long. We have jobs to create, businesses to save, and spending that simply must be stopped. They obviously have no intention of doing those things, so we must seize control and we must send the despots on their way.
Keep the faxes going, the phone calls, the emails… copy your newspapers and media outlets. Keep the Faith, we can do it…we’re almost there.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I’m reading with interest stories about new 3-D television sets coming on to the market, a super-fast Internet that is on the horizon, and that we can now watch movies on our cell phones when we’re not using them as computers. Where you used to have to go to the right library to research something, (maybe involving hours of calls on the phone to find the right library), today, you can usually get all of the information you need on any subject within a few minutes on the Internet. You can take old photo slides or negatives, scan them into your computer and manipulate them into anything you want to.
Basically, all of this technology has come along within the last 40 years. In the same 40 years, it seems to me that we have come dangerously close to losing our country. We have certainly lost our ethics and values. The code of the day is that whatever goes, goes. If Tim doesn’t pay his taxes, but he gets appointed to be Secretary of the Treasury, then I’m not paying my taxes because it’s okay not to pay your taxes; you may even be rewarded for it. If Bill lies under oath and gets away with it, then why can’t I lie under oath? If Charlie lies about corporate donations outside of the law, why do I have to tell a used car buyer that the brakes don’t work?
As a matter of fact, it seems to me that some crimes have become a “rite of passage.” You’re not a politician until you tell a lie, screw an intern, take a payoff, and vote for legislation that the people don’t want. Until you have done those things, all of them, you’re not a full-fledged member of the political fraternity; you’re just a “wannabe.”
I often wish that we could turn the clock back to the good old days of the 7-inch black and white television set, when we were taught real history in high school, when America was a symbol of everything good in the world, when you were ashamed to file bankruptcy, when you were disowned if you committed a crime, and when you made absolutely certain that your word was as good as your bond.
Is there a correlation? Is it true the more technology you have, the worse your world becomes? Maybe the Muslims and the Amish are on to something, but I’m inclined to think that we really lost our way in this country when we lost our religion and when we allowed those who disagreed with our religion to take it away from us. If you’re not willing to stand up for what is right, what are you willing to stand up for?
We’ve got some serious issues facing the country right now, and we need to decide where we stand and what we are willing to stand for. It’s time to change the channel.
Basically, all of this technology has come along within the last 40 years. In the same 40 years, it seems to me that we have come dangerously close to losing our country. We have certainly lost our ethics and values. The code of the day is that whatever goes, goes. If Tim doesn’t pay his taxes, but he gets appointed to be Secretary of the Treasury, then I’m not paying my taxes because it’s okay not to pay your taxes; you may even be rewarded for it. If Bill lies under oath and gets away with it, then why can’t I lie under oath? If Charlie lies about corporate donations outside of the law, why do I have to tell a used car buyer that the brakes don’t work?
As a matter of fact, it seems to me that some crimes have become a “rite of passage.” You’re not a politician until you tell a lie, screw an intern, take a payoff, and vote for legislation that the people don’t want. Until you have done those things, all of them, you’re not a full-fledged member of the political fraternity; you’re just a “wannabe.”
I often wish that we could turn the clock back to the good old days of the 7-inch black and white television set, when we were taught real history in high school, when America was a symbol of everything good in the world, when you were ashamed to file bankruptcy, when you were disowned if you committed a crime, and when you made absolutely certain that your word was as good as your bond.
Is there a correlation? Is it true the more technology you have, the worse your world becomes? Maybe the Muslims and the Amish are on to something, but I’m inclined to think that we really lost our way in this country when we lost our religion and when we allowed those who disagreed with our religion to take it away from us. If you’re not willing to stand up for what is right, what are you willing to stand up for?
We’ve got some serious issues facing the country right now, and we need to decide where we stand and what we are willing to stand for. It’s time to change the channel.
Saturday, March 06, 2010
With no fanfare and little mention, President Obama announced last week that he is unilaterally cutting the nation’s nuclear stockpile by 50%. This was a unilateral move; no other country gave anything back in return.
I believe that the international stability of a nation is directly proportional to its perceived vulnerability. That is to say that you are in a better position on the world stage if you deal from a position of strength. That is not to say that you must be a bully. However, no other country is likely to mess with your country if you have the ability to annihilate it.
The converse is true; the weaker you are, the more countries are willing to contemplate ill deeds against you. In daily life, the people who get mugged or physically attacked are women, children and the elderly and they are all perceived to be weak. Rarely does an attack occur against a strong and able-bodied man. Take health care, for another example. The President feels that he has enough political power to make Congress do whatever he wants of them, and he dismisses the American people as being dumb and having little or no power. But, when the American people band together and chase Congress and the President out, that will be a lesson remembered in the halls of Washington for many decades to come. That’s why Americans not only have guns on their nightstands, but they also don’t mind letting the rest of the neighborhood know it.
The unilateral reduction of nuclear weapons is a signal to other nations that we are vulnerable. This move is just as bad, if not much worse, as trying Khalid Sheik Mohamed in a civilian court. Obama may be willing to take the blame, but if we’re all dead, who’s going to be left to blame him?
With no fanfare and little mention, President Obama announced last week that he is unilaterally cutting the nation’s nuclear stockpile by 50%. This was a unilateral move; no other country gave anything back in return.
I believe that the international stability of a nation is directly proportional to its perceived vulnerability. That is to say that you are in a better position on the world stage if you deal from a position of strength. That is not to say that you must be a bully. However, no other country is likely to mess with your country if you have the ability to annihilate it.
The converse is true; the weaker you are, the more countries are willing to contemplate ill deeds against you. In daily life, the people who get mugged or physically attacked are women, children and the elderly and they are all perceived to be weak. Rarely does an attack occur against a strong and able-bodied man. Take health care, for another example. The President feels that he has enough political power to make Congress do whatever he wants of them, and he dismisses the American people as being dumb and having little or no power. But, when the American people band together and chase Congress and the President out, that will be a lesson remembered in the halls of Washington for many decades to come. That’s why Americans not only have guns on their nightstands, but they also don’t mind letting the rest of the neighborhood know it.
The unilateral reduction of nuclear weapons is a signal to other nations that we are vulnerable. This move is just as bad, if not much worse, as trying Khalid Sheik Mohamed in a civilian court. Obama may be willing to take the blame, but if we’re all dead, who’s going to be left to blame him?
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Before Speaker Pelosi orders the House switchboard and Internet shut off again.
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
NANCY PELOSI: Our Nation’s Shame
Word leaked out Monday on FOX News that, by all rights, should have Americans incensed at how our Washington politicians are conducting themselves.According to Karl Rove, Pelosi rules her roost like the Gestapo. She dictates how her fellow Democrats in the House will vote, by threatening to keep them from getting what they need in their states, by intimidating them with promises to remove them from their various committee assignments, by bribing them with taxpayer funds, and by any other means available to her. You can almost visualize her in her black, knee-high shiny leather stiletto boots with a whip in one hand and a sword in the other, barking orders and daring anyone to defy her.
Our nation was built on what we have assumed to be a rock-solid foundation of freedom of expression and the right to vote your conscience. To hear that someone in a position of high power, second in line for ascension to the Presidency, is actively controlling votes and stifling freedom of expression is beyond concerning. This is no less a matter of fascism than is rolling out the tanks and sending the storm troopers onto the streets.
What’s even worse is that no one has the guts to stand up to her.
Pelosi has already proven herself to the public to be an avid psychopathic liar. This latest revelation is repugnant to any sense of democratic values. The allegation needs to be promptly investigated and, if found to be true, she needs to be removed from her post immediately and from her elected office in November. It is no defense that these things have happened in the Senate as well, and in both Houses over a period of time. It is not the proper or fit way to conduct the business of our nation.
There’s Charles Rangel, in a sea of ethics violations and past tax abuses and Nancy Pelosi is trying to rescue him. Once again, we hear that if Charlie should be removed, practically everyone in Congress should be removed, all of which goes to show that Pelosi’s House of Representatives is corrupt.
It is indeed our fault that we have allowed these things to happen, and we will certainly be to blame unless we put a stop to it now.
Nancy Pelosi needs to be investigated, charged and removed.
Our nation was built on what we have assumed to be a rock-solid foundation of freedom of expression and the right to vote your conscience. To hear that someone in a position of high power, second in line for ascension to the Presidency, is actively controlling votes and stifling freedom of expression is beyond concerning. This is no less a matter of fascism than is rolling out the tanks and sending the storm troopers onto the streets.
What’s even worse is that no one has the guts to stand up to her.
Pelosi has already proven herself to the public to be an avid psychopathic liar. This latest revelation is repugnant to any sense of democratic values. The allegation needs to be promptly investigated and, if found to be true, she needs to be removed from her post immediately and from her elected office in November. It is no defense that these things have happened in the Senate as well, and in both Houses over a period of time. It is not the proper or fit way to conduct the business of our nation.
There’s Charles Rangel, in a sea of ethics violations and past tax abuses and Nancy Pelosi is trying to rescue him. Once again, we hear that if Charlie should be removed, practically everyone in Congress should be removed, all of which goes to show that Pelosi’s House of Representatives is corrupt.
It is indeed our fault that we have allowed these things to happen, and we will certainly be to blame unless we put a stop to it now.
Nancy Pelosi needs to be investigated, charged and removed.
Monday, March 01, 2010
We have asked our Congress and our President repeatedly to address themselves to the multitude of pressing issues facing our country today, such as unemployment, the national debt, terrorism, the Middle East, Iran, North Korea, ethics, corruption, taxes.....
You have not done so. For over a year, you have been focused, to the ultimate exclusion of proactive attention to the above issues, on a Health Care Plan that is against the will of the American people. You have adamantly and steadfastly refused to do your required duties for the country.
Enough is enough.
Your failures to exert leadership appropriate to the needs of the country stand as convincing evidence that you are willing to assume full blame and responsibility for the issues you refuse to face.
You should be ashamed of yourselves for your selfish weaknesses and failures.
You have not done so. For over a year, you have been focused, to the ultimate exclusion of proactive attention to the above issues, on a Health Care Plan that is against the will of the American people. You have adamantly and steadfastly refused to do your required duties for the country.
Enough is enough.
Your failures to exert leadership appropriate to the needs of the country stand as convincing evidence that you are willing to assume full blame and responsibility for the issues you refuse to face.
You should be ashamed of yourselves for your selfish weaknesses and failures.
Get out!
Do America a favor. At least have the guts to stand away and let the rest of the country deal with these issues before it is too late. Do NOT wait until November.
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