And, of course, there are more lies.
One of the deals evidently made, judging by some of the last minute House vote switching, is that illegal aliens will be covered under the new Government Run Health Care System. But, the cost of doing so has NOT been included in the Congressional Budget Office projections. Here’s the deal:
1. The House passes the Senate version, which is silent on the issue of illegal aliens. The argument they put forth is that since it does not specifically cover illegal aliens, then they are NOT covered, but you need to know that once passed, the argument switches to “since it doesn’t say they are NOT covered, then they ARE covered.” Keep that thought in mind as we go on.
2. The President has announced they are going to tackle immigration reform. It is widely accepted that Obama is going to insist on amnesty for those currently here. Once they have amnesty, they are no longer illegal anyway, right?
3. Since the Health Bill was silent and the illegals are no longer illegal, they will automatically be covered. No mess, no fuss and again, no vote.
How do you think we’re going to pay for that without raising taxes and premiums again, or increasing the national debt?
As for the public-funded abortion problem, the House leadership and Rambo Emanuel from the White House have been insisting that the issue will be resolved in the reconciliation process. Bart Stupak seems to have his doubts and, if a deal is made for that purpose, Pelosi and her cronies will lose a large block of pro-abortionists who insist that abortions be funded.
A hint of what is yet to come leaked out Friday. There is no guarantee that the Senate will go along with any changes included in a reconciliation bill. In fact, the House could pass one, meeting their promises to their Members, and the Senate could vote it down, change it, or let it languish in Committee. Then, of course, the nation is stuck with the Senate Bill as is while Pelosi shrugs her shoulders, Reid “laments,” and Rambo and Obama give each other high-fives in the Oval Office.
This whole scenario, as it is being played out, is in total disregard of overwhelming American opinion. But, the dirty tricksters are already celebrating, announcing they are going forward with Cap & Trade, Immigration Reform, the Public Option and, presumably, gun control. We are left hoping that one of the many lawsuits to be filed will nullify the Health Care Bill; Obama is hoping to chase off at least one conservative member of the Supreme Court before the lawsuits get there, changing the balance of the Court from 5-4 conservative to 5-4 liberal.
He has another Ace up his sleeve. Should the public throw out the Democrats in November, (I guess ACORN is going to be involved again, so who knows what will happen), and should the new Congress pass a law to revoke this Health Care Plan, Obama will veto that bill and it will take a 2/3 majority to overturn the veto, which he is sure will not happen.
It appears that only a miracle can stop this outright travesty of American democracy. Between telephone calls and faxes to Washington, while we’re speed dialing and trying to stop it, we need to be praying for that miracle.
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