Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Contrary to what President Obama would have you believe, we are not equal. We may be created equal, but that is the end of that. Some people go to college, some drop out of high school; some become doctors or lawyers, some work on oil rigs; some encounter extensive health problems, others live to old age and die healthy. We could create an endless list of individual differences we acquire in life that make us “not equal.”

Some people end up being extensively wealthy and others end up without two coins to rub together. Our President would have us subscribe to his Socialist-Marxist ideology that says we must take from the rich and give to the poor until everyone is back to being equal. If he wants everyone to go back to being equal, we must return to our days of nativity; there will be no doctors, lawyers, oil workers, cops, or Presidents, for that matter. We will all do the same thing in life, whatever that might be, and we will acquire the same levels of wealth. If I have $10,000 in the bank, so will you and Obama. We will all wear the same khaki uniforms and march to the same drummers. We will have a universal state religion and all others will be banned.

Those are the objectives of the “social justice” and “economic justice” programs current being thrust upon us. Everything this administration is engaged in is focused on making us all equal in every respect.

How ludicrous can you get?

What they really mean to say, when they tell us about “equal social justice” and “equal economic justice” is that they have total control over every aspect of our lives and we have no control over any aspect. Anyone who tries to break that mold must be eliminated. Glenn Beck must be eliminated. I must be eliminated. Millions of Americans must be eliminated. You have three choices: (1) go along with the program, (2) leave the country, or (3) be eliminated. There are no other alternatives unless… you are willing to stand united, stand together shoulder-to-shoulder, arm-to-arm and deny them their objectives at every turn. Stop them in their tracks.

We are a nation of God-fearing people. We live according to religious teachings that are morally and ethically sound. These teachings are contrary to their objectives. They believe they have the rights to lie, cheat, steal, plunder and rape. In order to accomplish their objectives, one of the things they must do is to marginalize or take over religions. Nancy Pelosi, making no bones about it, recently started to tell religions what to preach and how to preach it. Obama operatives are already in contact with various religious leaders peddling their influence and exerting their “authorities.” You will soon be hearing about “equal social justice” and “equal economic justice” as being teachings of Christ or God; nowhere in any religious scriptures is there a call for total equality, because that cannot be achieved and it contrary to the spirit of man.

Obama and his henchmen may try and tell us that we need to be equal, but we need to rise up and rid ourselves of these demons in our midst. Judging by the polls and by the elections so far, we’re off to a good start. Let’s hope and pray that we still have the right to vote in this country in November; I’ll guarantee you that Obama has been reading the Hugo Chavez strategy on how to ignore a constitutional requirement for elections.

On the other hand, if we succeed in forcing them out and if we regain control of our country, is there going to be any money left to run it with? Don't blame me, I just posed the question. 

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