Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I was in the middle of a Chinese fire drill, scrambling from one town to another to put together last-minute details for a business trip, and I happened to turn on the radio; lo and behold, Rush Limbaugh was on the air. Now, Rush is not my favorite show, by far. He’s right about many things, I will admit, but he’s just too bombastic for me, too narcissistic, if you know what I mean. In those respects, he’s much like Obama. Rush fancies himself as being the God of conservatism in this country and Obama believes that his is the Omnipotent One. I guess they have forgotten about the Unknown Scribbler?

In any event, Rush got onto something. No, it wasn’t a rant. But, he started talking about Obama and his belief that Obama is deliberately sabotaging efforts to stop the oil leak and clean up the Gulf. Don’t know if you know this or not, but they have halted the building of sand bars to keep the oil away from the beaches because some government ninny doesn’t like the source of the sand. Cleanup barges have continuously been prevented from going out to skim oil and someone mentioned that there were other skimming rigs located elsewhere in the country that could come to help and the Administration prevented that move because there “might” be another oil accident somewhere else and those skimmers would be needed there.

Rush went on to suggest that Obama is doing these things deliberately to detract us from the economy, unemployment and the immigration issue, and I agree; never let a good crisis go to waste. In fact, if the crisis gets bad enough, Obama could declare a state of national emergency and glom onto all kinds of power…even suspending the Constitution. In fact, he could manage to get the leak plugged around a month before the election, and then hire 300,000 people to come and clean up the mess. Unemployment would decline, there might be some improvement in the economy and Obama could ride the favorable wave of his "decisive leadership" to rescue his Democrats in Congress.

Would he do such a dastardly thing? Look at some of the many dirty tricks he has pulled so far, including the Health Care debacle; of COURSE he would! In a heartbeat! In fact, he’s already put the word out that he wants to pull the Gulf workers off the job because of the tropical storm. “They could be out two weeks or more,” comes official word from the White House. 

Floating out of the White House gas machine Friday was the word that the Administration is working on a plan to have the President issue an Executive Order declaring amnesty for all illegal aliens. Have you ever noticed how Obama, taking a cue from Clinton, always lets these gaseous bombs waft out on Fridays after everyone has gone home for the weekend?

We really need to start paying closer attention to what this guy is doing. I agree with Rush in this case that Obama has committed far too many bad acts for them to be chalked up to mistakes, stupidity, or anything but the actions of a very shrewd man. Start asking yourself “Why?”

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