Monday, May 20, 2013


FOX NEWS ran a poll yesterday about the I.R.S. and determined that 97% of the country either wants the I.R.S. drastically overhauled or abolished altogether as a result of recent revelations about the agency targeting of conservative groups for audits, etc.  

I say the not the problem; it is simply one of several symptoms of a high-flying and corrupt government running amok.  Think about it: (1) the Administration has flipped its collective finger to the country by stonewalling Fast & Furious and Benghazi; (2) there's E.P.A. targeting conservative organizations and businesses; (3) there's the Justice Department illegal seizure of records from the Associated Press, and then (4) the I.R.S. thing.  Collectively taken, there is but only one conclusion: there is a culture of anti-American activity in Washington. 

Simply attacking the I.R.S. will not be a panacea for solution; that's only attacking a symptom.  The existence of such a culture can only occur under the direction of the President or under his tacit approval and so-called "turning a blind eye" to the situation.  That's the level where it starts.  That's where the blame squarely belongs.  

Now, what are we going to to about it?

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