Thursday, October 31, 2013


The National Security Agency is under fire for its unfettered spying on U.S. citizens and world leaders.  The agency's head, James Clapper, says the criticism is causing sources to dry up and an erosion of trust within the intelligence community.  It's all due to our uproar at finding out we have no expectation of privacy anywhere at any time, regardless of our innocence.  

Here's another jackass who feels we are all property of the U.S. government and must be subservient to Federal control. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Imagine how it must feel to have everything under your total control, where everyone does exactly as you command and those who don't get punished.  Picture, if you will, that all of the sudden those loyal subjects turn on you and start asking questions about the lies you have told.  Culture shock? 

That's what Barack Obama is suddenly confronted with.  Within a 24-hour period, many of the loyal media and press have gone from "sucking up" to asking what in the hell is going on.  Millions of people who were told by the President they could keep their insurance plans if they liked them are now being told that was a lie and that the President knew he was not telling the truth when he said so.  

My God, the President fibbed!  And, when they started asking questions they discovered that the President had lied several times... about ObamaCare alone.  The rumble of discontent is growing louder.  

Could it be that Obama really is to blame? Holy sheep dip! 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Anybody wondering why the United States Government would choose CGI Federal, a Canadian company with a lengthy record of poor performance, to build the new ObamaCare website need look no further than 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue according to a report from NEWSMAX.  Top executives at the firm are on very friendly ground with top White House Officials, including the President and Mrs. Obama.  

I won't detail the nature of the ties here; you can find them by clicking on "NEWSMAX" above. 

This certainly answers a lot of questions.  It appears that standard government procurement regulations were not followed, another violation of Federal law.  There should have been a Request for Proposals containing the nature of the project and the qualifications of potential contractors.  There should have been specifications available describing the technological requirements to complete the project and there should have been a bidding process with strictly regulated bid openings and a legitimate selection method. 

Yet another of Obama's corrupt practices has led to a total waste of taxpayer money; it wouldn't be surprising to me to discover that some senior executive at CGI Federal once worked for Solyndra.  

We know who to blame for this boondoggle.  He can't blame Sebelius and that's why he can't fire her.  

Monday, October 28, 2013


There's that nasty allegation floating around that the United States has been secretly spying on Herman Chancellor Angela Merkel's cellphone, among other things.  Now, you'll note that as of this writing of this post, being yesterday Sunday, October 27, 2013, our President Barry has had his gums shut.  Granted, he may have misplaced his teleprompter, but he's being uncharacteristically silent on a matter of international speculation and curiosity. 

He did ask his beloved National Security Adviser, Susan Rice of Benghazi cover-up fame, to call Merkel and offer his astonishment and apologies.  Reports at the time were that Rice told Merkel Barry did not know about the monitoring of Merkel’s phone, and she said it was not currently happening, and would not in the future. Well, what about the past?  Uh, they're not discussing that. 

As someone once said and has often been repeated, history repeats itself.  True to form, Obama has been caught so many times in lies that his ears are growing bigger.  The word leaked out yesterday that Obama not only knew about the surveillance, but he also personally authorized it.  When that news surfaced. I think every toilet in the White House flushed at the same time. 

And, true to form, by the time the day was over the Administration had coughed up a weakly uttered, often repeated, "Bush did it."  The liberal press, rushing to full damage-control for good old Barry, was quick to assert that "everybody spies on their friends and allies, so that's entirely acceptable behavior."  I guess that means it is legal, after all, for me to sneak a camera into the ladies dressing room at Macy's? 

Saturday, October 26, 2013


A terrorist detained at Guantanamo who was released in 2007 was in Benghazi the night of the bloody attack on our Consulate there and may have actually been in charge of the massacre.  Sufian bin Qumu, who is suspected of running camps in eastern Libya where some of the assailants trained, is also a "respected member" of Ansar al-Sharia -- one of the Islamist groups identified in State Department email traffic two hours after the attack. 

Additionally, there does not seem to be any ongoing attempt to detain any of the suspected Benghazi attack terrorists.  In fact, the State Department has a Rewards for Justice Program which offers rewards for tips that lead to suspected terrorists; none of the suspected Benghazi terrorists are on that list. 

As usual, the "transparent" Obama Administration is refusing comment on anything to do with Benghazi. 

Friday, October 25, 2013


The news for ObamaCare continues to get worse by the day.  Buried in the voluminous website is the following language: "You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication of any data transmitted or stored on this information system." 

When the various contractors were grilled yesterday by the House committee yesterday, they were quick to deny any knowledge of the language or to say that someone else was to blame.  It was suggested that the HIPPA law that protects medical information would apply.  Is your name. address, date of birth or social security information "medical information?"  It could be argued that, by your signing up on the website you waive your HIPPA protections as well. 

It's obvious that our "open and transparent" government has been caught with its pants down... again.  

“You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication of any data transmitted or stored on this information system.”
“You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication of any data transmitted or stored on this information system.”
“You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication of any data transmitted or stored on this information system.”

Thursday, October 24, 2013


The government is saying that they have been able to tie the attackers at the Benghazi Massacre to senior Al Qaeda leadership. 

I frankly don't know why this story makes any news outlet.  We've all known or suspected Al Qaeda involvement in this attack ever since it happened.  The icing on the cake comes when they say that this is in conflict to the original Administration stance that the whole thing was spontaneous and caused by the infamous video.  The story says that the attack had been in the planning stages for months.  

We already knew that tidbit of information as well.  

So why, all of the sudden, does the Administration come up with these "revelations?"  What we'd really like to know is: Why did Obama turn his back on the unfolding events and fly off to Vegas on a campaign junket and why did they create that ridiculous movie scenario in the first place?  Certainly, they had to know that falsehood would come back to haunt them; they can't be THAT dumb, can they?  

Maybe Obama thought, and still thinks, the smell of this would all disappear like a fart in a whirlwind? 

Well, it won't.  We want answers and we're going to keep on hammering at this issue until something breaks. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


There was a shootout between police and drug cartel members in Guadalajara, Mexico on October 10th; three officers were killed.  When the dust settled, authorities discovered Kingery grenades at the site.  The "Kingery grenade" refers to those manufactured by Jean Baptiste Kingery, a California resident who made grenades in Mexico from parts sourced in the U.S. He also converted AK-47s from semi- to fully-automatic weapons.  

Kingery was arrested in 2010 following a six-year investigation.  The U.S. Attorney handling the case, Emory Hurley, refused to prosecute on the basis Kingery's grenades were "harmless toys" and the case lacked jury appeal.

Once released, Kingery continued to make his grenades and bombs in Sonora using parts from the U.S. until he was arrested in 2011; he had made some 2,000 bombs.  Such grenades have been used in cartel attacks in public streets, bars and nightclubs.  Kingery now sits in a Mexican jail, charged with terrorism. 

Emails show Obama administration officials acknowledging that they may lose track of grenades but would still be able to accomplish their original objective even if the grenades explode. It appears they intended to track Kingery's parts to locate his assembly plant.  The emails also show ATF agents knew that the grenades could end up exploding and killing innocent people if they proceeded with the plan. That didn’t stop the Obama administration’s ATF from allowing the grenades to walk.

The Administration is trying to keep the lid on this. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Lost in the shuffle of the ignominious budget battle was a Congressional hearing into the ongoing I.R.S. scandal that deserves mention.  

Sarah Hall Ingram was first called to appear many months ago and has been ducking the opportunity.  She is the illustrious lass who headed the IRS division that targeted conservative groups for mistreatment and who has been promoted to head the IRS division that will enforce ObamaCare.  Emails clearly show that in her former position she shared confidential taxpayer information on numerous occasions directly with the White House.  

While she visited the I.R.S. some 165 times, former I.R.S. Commissioner Dough Shulman made 157 trips of his own to the White House, specifically during the time the Tea Parties and other groups were being targeted.  While she was appearing before the House Oversight Committee, Rep. Gerry Connolly took to questioning her along these lines:  Was she a witch or had she been consorting with the devil?   If not, what about the many reports that she could fly?  

The fact that various organizations and individuals who reported on or disagreed with Obama policies were targeted by the I.R.S. for extra audits, or that their applications for tax-exempt status were pigeonholed or grossly mishandled is a serious matter.  We are dealing with severe abuse of the I.R.S. by the Administration here.   

This is absolutely no laughing matter. For Connolly to try and make light of it is indicative of his total disregard for Americans. 

Monday, October 21, 2013


Thirteen months after Benghazi a White House Press Release purported to have been released the day before the massacre has surfaced, reporting that a meeting of top military and national security officials has been held at the White House to discuss the issue of preparedness for any terrorist attack on 9/11.  The assumption that this document has been languishing in a pile of papers for thirteen months while the Massacre has been under such scrutiny stretches any premise of credibility to the limit.  

Why hasn't any official who attended such a meeting come forward to say so?  If such a meeting took place, why were military response forces so poorly positioned in case their intervention or reaction was necessary?  Why did General Carter Ham, the main guy in charge of military response at the time,  testify before Congress that no one from the White House contacted him to tighten security?  Word has it that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Dempsey,  has said that any meetings or briefings during that period were "routine and casual." 

When are we ever going to get the true story and facts on the Benghazi Massacre, Mr. President? 

Thursday, October 17, 2013


You are to blame for this mess.  Obama says so.  

How any President who has the lowest ratings in modern history can come out and blame us, is way over my head. 


Who's to blame for all of this theater, the government shutdown, the name-calling, and the shameful tactics in Washington?  

We are.  We allow it to happen. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Obama and his henchmen claim that the N.S.A. is only going to keep track of who we send emails to and who we call; they supposedly will not listen to any calls or read any emails.  

So, Mr. and Mrs. America, you have been identified as someone they don't like.  You're a life member of the N.R.A., you write nasty editorials in the newspaper, you attend church regularly and you fly the American flag in front of your house.  Certainly, your friends and relatives are likely to be of the same mind set as you are; by monitoring who you call and who you send emails to, they now have expanded their list of enemies. 

I'm not suggesting any insidious conspiracy on their part; I'm simply suggesting that they have the ability to identify and label your contacts as being their enemies.  Which explains why they have now started grabbing your email contact lists from internet providers.  And, just as I am 110% certain that they had no ulterior motives in turning over confidential tax information to the White House or targeting certain groups and just as I'm sure they were on the up and up when they monitored calls from the Associated Press and FOX, I'm equally assuring you that they would never, ever use the N.S.A. to label your friends or relatives as their enemies.  

Would they?  

Monday, October 14, 2013


Sarah Hall Ingram, the IRS official who was in the hot seat for scrutinizing the tax-exempt status of conservative groups, shared confidential taxpayer information with several people at the White House according to The Daily Caller.  Ingram shared confidential taxpayer information with Jeanne Lambrew, the deputy assistant to the president for health policies, as well White House health policy advisor Ellen Montz.  Ingram went to the White House 155 times to meet Lambrew.  Ingram now heads the IRS division responsible for implementing ObamaCare.  

This is prima facie evidence that the White House intends to intrude on the health records of citizens through an insidious abuse of its power and oversight of ObamaCare.  The abuse of I.R.S. records by the White House is flagrantly unconstitutional and someone needs to be charged and tried for it. 

Happy Columbus Day to you, too, Barack. 

Friday, October 11, 2013


The big question floating around Washington D.C. yesterday was when President Obama became aware that we were not going to pay military death benefits or cover funeral expenses for returning military personnel killed in the line of duty.  The White House was claiming that he was unaware of it and was madder than hell when he learned about it. 

Well, to paraphrase a famous former Secretary of State, what difference at this point does it make?  We're several days down the road and Obama has yet to issue one of those famous and numerous Executive Orders of his to resolve the matter. 

Over on the supposedly closed National Mall, veterans can't get in to visit the World War II Memorial due to the government shutdown.  Yet, Pelosi was able to rally with her Mexican immigrant pals right across the mall from the Memorial.  "I'm not grandstanding," she insisted.  

It's as clear as day; we know who to blame. This President and his two-bit cronies have their positions abundantly clear:  Piss on the military. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Ever since news about problems with N.S.A. came to light in June, Americans have been concerned about the agency spying on the civilian population; an overwhelming majority now want the N.S.A. totally our of domestic spy operations.  Polls by The Washington Post and ABC News reflect that 74 percent of respondents said the NSA’s spying intrudes on their privacy rights. 

While that news alone should be enough to frost the gizzards of Obama and his Nazi-like goon squads and agency minions, (D.O.J., N.S.A., I.R.S. etc), God has been working in mysterious ways.  Severe electrical problems and virtual meltdowns at the new N.S.A. top-secret spy center in Utah have been occurring on a regular basis.  Hundreds of millions of dollars worth of computers related equipment have been destroyed.  One project official says that the N.S.A. planned to start turning on some of the computers at the facility this week. "But without a reliable electrical system to run computers and keep them cool, the global surveillance data systems can't function." 

Backup generators have failed repeated tests, cooling systems remain untested, and there are also disagreements among government officials and contractors over the adequacy of the electrical control systems.

No wonder Obama wants the debt ceiling raised. 

Wednesday, October 09, 2013


Top I.R.S. officials, including Lois Lerner, used private e-mail accounts to conduct official I.R.S. business, according to Congressman Darrell Issa.  This activity included sending classified documents to non-agency email addresses in violation of the Federal Records Act and in direct violation of I.R.S., policies.  Confidential information could have been passed; data security was  breached.  

“Right now, there’s a reason to fear the IRS and other agencies, including the EPA, who are loaded with people who feel empowered to bend the rules against those they disagree with,” Issa said.

Obviously, Obama intends to keep the government shut down in order to create distraction from the several scandals which were plaguing him just two weeks ago.  These were blatantly open attacks on individual rights and liberties of the American public.  They need to be properly investigated and people need to go to jail. 

Tuesday, October 08, 2013


Amber alert system shut down. 

In your faces, America.  Do as Barry says or face the consequences.  Next move: Open the doors to all of the Federal prisons and furlough the guards?  Close all of the Federal Highways? 

What an outright jack ass!  

Note that after the outrage yesterday morning, the government decided to put the Amber Alert website back up.  But, he's still a jack ass.  

Monday, October 07, 2013


Over the weekend, elite teams of Navy Seals and Army operatives ventured into Somalia and Libya to go after terrorists responsible for the supermarket attack in Kenya two weeks ago and to capture the senior Al-Qaeda official responsible for 1998 embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania.  Secretary of State John Kerry was jubilant,saying "Members of Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations literally can run but they can't hide."  Good move and thank you to the military.

Now, let me say again... Libya was one of the two countries the seals went into and where they caught Abu Anas al Libi in Tripoli, Libya.  

For months now, the Obama Administration has been claiming that the reason they have not brought to justice those they deem responsible for the attack on the Benghazi Consulate was that the situation was too volatile and the government too unstable in Libya to go after the supposed culprits, although they've been out in the open.  If we can nab one, why can't we go in and nab the others?  

Here in the U.S., the Obama Administration refuses to turn over documents pertaining to the Benghazi Massacre and refuses to allow living witness to the event to testify before Congress or even to be identified.  Is it not obvious that the reason we haven't gone after the Benghazi suspects is either that they are not really the ones responsible, or that our government doesn't want to capture them and risk having them talk about what really happened at Benghazi? 

It seems to smell a little, doesn't it? 

Saturday, October 05, 2013


The Democrats are whining that the government workers who have been laid off can't buy groceries or pay their rent.  The average national wage is about $41,500.  The average wage for a government worker is $80,000.  And they want to blame us because they can't manage their budgets? 

Wah, wah, wah.  Obviously, they're the reason our national debt is uncontrollable. 

Friday, October 04, 2013


Bound to get even with the citizens of the United States who despise his signature ObamaCare legislation, President Obama has ordered the Veterans Memorial closed and some 70% of key players in the country's national security team to be furloughed.  James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, told a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee that failure to fund the government "is not just a Beltway issue. It affects our capability to support the military, diplomacy and our policymakers."  

Obama continues his hateful dislike of members of the military and national veterans.  Ever since his first days in office when he insisted that active duty military personnel pay for their own medical care, Obama has targeted military pay and veterans' benefits.  These are the people who protect our country and, by his actions, he's sent their morale into the toilet.  Now, he further destroys our national safety and security through the deliberate layoffs of key spy personnel. 

Obama is no President; he's an insidious blight on what was a free nation. 

Thursday, October 03, 2013


After Attorney General Eric Holder flatly refused to answer questions and supply evidence regarding the Fast and Furious scandal, Congress found him to be in contempt; President Obama asserted that Holder had Executive Privilege.  Congress sued in Federal Court and Holder moved to have the suit dismissed without a hearing.  Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled against the Justice Department and said that the case must be heard.  “This case presents the sort of question that the courts are traditionally called upon to resolve,” she said. 

Well, there are still some good judges left on the bench.  Holder is to blame for covering the case up amid suspicion that he and/or the President were behind the scheme to have border gun shops illegally sell illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartel agents so the Feds could blame the gun shops for violating the law in an attempt to put tight gun control on all sales of guns.  

It'll be interesting to see what develops out of this. 
Berman Jackson turned down the Justice Department’s request to dismiss a lawsuit brought by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee after President Barack Obama asserted executive privilege to prevent some records about the administration’s response to the “Operation Fast and Furious” gunrunning scandal from being turned over to Congress.
Berman Jackson turned down the Justice Department’s request to dismiss a lawsuit brought by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee after President Barack Obama asserted executive privilege to prevent some records about the administration’s response to the “Operation Fast and Furious” gunrunning scandal from being turned over to Congress.
Berman Jackson turned down the Justice Department’s request to dismiss a lawsuit brought by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee after President Barack Obama asserted executive privilege to prevent some records about the administration’s response to the “Operation Fast and Furious” gunrunning scandal from being turned over to Congress.
Berman Jackson turned down the Justice Department’s request to dismiss a lawsuit brought by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee after President Barack Obama asserted executive privilege to prevent some records about the administration’s response to the “Operation Fast and Furious” gunrunning scandal from being turned over to Congress.
Berman Jackson turned down the Justice Department’s request to dismiss a lawsuit brought by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee after President Barack Obama asserted executive privilege to prevent some records about the administration’s response to the “Operation Fast and Furious” gunrunning scandal from being turned over to Congress.
Amy Berman Jackson turned down the Justice Department’s request to dismiss a lawsuit brought by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee after President Barack Obama asserted executive privilege to prevent some records about the administration’s response to the “Operation Fast and Furious” gunrunning scandal from being turned over to
Amy Berman Jackson turned down the Justice Department’s request to dismiss a lawsuit brought by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee after President Barack Obama asserted executive privilege to prevent some records about the administration’s response to the “Operation Fast and Furious” gunrunning scandal from being turned over to
Amy Berman Jackson turned down the Justice Department’s request to dismiss a lawsuit brought by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee after President Barack Obama asserted executive privilege to prevent some records about the administration’s response to the “Operation Fast and Furious” gunrunning scandal from being turned over to
Amy Berman Jackson turned down the Justice Department’s request to dismiss a lawsuit brought by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee after President Barack Obama asserted executive privilege to prevent some records about the administration’s response to the “Operation Fast and Furious” gunrunning scandal from being turned over to
Amy Berman Jackson turned down the Justice Department’s request to dismiss a lawsuit brought by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee after President Barack Obama asserted executive privilege to prevent some records about the administration’s response to the “Operation Fast and Furious” gunrunning scandal from being turned over to
Amy Berman Jackson turned down the Justice Department’s request to dismiss a lawsuit brought by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee after President Barack Obama asserted executive privilege to prevent some records about the administration’s response to the “Operation Fast and Furious” gunrunning scandal from being turned over to
Amy Berman Jackson turned down the Justice Department’s request to dismiss a lawsuit brought by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee after President Barack Obama asserted executive privilege to prevent some records about the administration’s response to the “Operation Fast and Furious” gunrunning scandal from being turned over to
Amy Berman Jackson turned down the Justice Department’s request to dismiss a lawsuit brought by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee after President Barack Obama asserted executive privilege to prevent some records about the administration’s response to the “Operation Fast and Furious” gunrunning scandal from being turned over to

Wednesday, October 02, 2013


Putin and Netanyahu are both ideological opposites, but they are very much alike in one respect.  They are both better leaders than Barack Hussein Obama.  

Listening to Netanyahu yesterday, one could tell that he was sincere and wants the best for his country's future.  Listening to Obama, he made it clear that all he wants is his damned ObamaCare and he's willing to sacrifice what is right for his country in order to get it. 

In that regard, Putin and Obama are alike... ruthless dictators. 

If Obama's health plan is so damned good for the country, why is he exempting all of his friends from its provisions and sticking it to us? 

Tuesday, October 01, 2013


I'm a Conservative.  My forefathers were here before this government was formed and gave their lives to see our country founded. I'm a member of a Tea Party.  I belong to the N.R.A.  I believe in responsible government with the power of government belonging to the people.  I believe in working hard and paying my way and not relying on government to be my nanny. 

Blame me.