There's that nasty allegation floating around that the United States has been secretly spying on Herman Chancellor Angela Merkel's cellphone, among other things. Now, you'll note that as of this writing of this post, being yesterday Sunday, October 27, 2013, our President Barry has had his gums shut. Granted, he may have misplaced his teleprompter, but he's being uncharacteristically silent on a matter of international speculation and curiosity.
He did ask his beloved National Security Adviser, Susan Rice of Benghazi cover-up fame, to call Merkel and offer his astonishment and apologies. Reports at the time were that Rice told Merkel Barry did not know about the monitoring of Merkel’s phone,
and she said it was not currently happening, and would not in the future. Well, what about the past? Uh, they're not discussing that.
As someone once said and has often been repeated, history repeats itself. True to form, Obama has been caught so many times in lies that his ears are growing bigger. The word leaked out yesterday that Obama not only knew about the surveillance, but he also personally authorized it. When that news surfaced. I think every toilet in the White House flushed at the same time.
And, true to form, by the time the day was over the Administration had coughed up a weakly uttered, often repeated, "Bush did it." The liberal press, rushing to full damage-control for good old Barry, was quick to assert that "everybody spies on their friends and allies, so that's entirely acceptable behavior." I guess that means it is legal, after all, for me to sneak a camera into the ladies dressing room at Macy's?
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