Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Don't forget to send an early invite over to Barry for him to join you on your 2014 campaign.  Be like Nancy and rest assured that his success on ObamaCare, Benghazi, Fast & Furious, Iran, Syria, N.S.A., I.R.S., D.O.J. and 2012 unemployment statistics will surely help you in your efforts to get reelected. 

And just to show him how much you appreciate him for what he is, why not send him over a slice of humble pie for his Thanksgiving Day dessert? 

See you Monday. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


The ink isn't even dry on the "agreement" yet and Iran is claiming the deal as is being represented by Kerry and Obama is NOT the deal they reached at all! 

You know, given the history of things, why should we be be surprised? 


Why are eye witnesses to the Benghazi Massacre still being required to sign monthly non-disclosure statements in order to keep their jobs? 

Monday, November 25, 2013


Despite White House assurances that it would never be allowed, the world woke up one day not long ago to the news that North Korea had a nuclear weapon.  Despite repeated assurances that we could keep our insurance... our doctors... period... we woke up one day recently to discover that it was all one big, fat lie.

John Kerry and Barack Obama are back slapping each other's backs and running around telling everyone that they have struck a deal with Iran that will be the precursor to bigger and better things.  The deal extracts virtually nothing from Iran; they get to keep refining uranium up to a point that they say they will not pass, but they reserve the right to refuse inspection.  We give up access to money that has been frozen in their name.  They get more time. 

What secret side deals were made to entice Iran into this?  

There are no accolades coming from this corner regarding this deal.  It stinks to high heaven of more Obamanure.  It comes three days after Reid crammed the nuclear option down our throats and while Obama is sinking in a sludge of lies he and his cohorts have been spreading about ObamaCare for years now.  It comes on the heels of allegations that unemployment figures were manipulated to help Obama get reelected.  It comes two days after Obama extended the employer moratorium on ObamaCare just long enough to get past the 2014 elections. 

I'm afraid we've just been set up for one more big fat surprise that Iran has acquired a nuke.  Anyone out there wanna' make a bet on this?  Who are they going to blame for THIS one... Netanyahu? 

Friday, November 22, 2013


We have had it with you and your high-handed anti-citizen attitudes.  Your failures to adequately respond to the needs and wants of America are no longer acceptable. 

Your attempts to blame ObamaCare's failure on Republicans, insurance companies, doctors and everyone else won't fly any longer.  We know which ones of you voted for ObamaCare.  We've taken notice of those of you who refuse to accept responsibility for your actions, not only regarding ObamaCare but regarding the budget, the debt, and illegal immigration.

You and your senseless actions are on the front burner.  YOU are to blame for this mess.  YOU are to blame for allowing the Administration to circumvent our Constitution, spy on Americans, stonewall on Fast & Furious and Benghazi, and use the I.R.S. to go after Administration enemies. 

YOUR chickens are now coming home to roost.  

When YOU come home to roost over this holiday season, do not... DO NOT expect your constituents to smile and nod politely; expect to be called to task for your insurmountable failures.  

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Yesterday, I ranted about how Obama was going to apologize to Afghanistan for the war there and our mistakes.  Today, Kerry announced a security agreement had been reached with Karzai and that no apology will be made.  "Let me be clear: President Karzai didn't ask for an apology. There was no discussion of an apology. There will -- there is no -- I mean, it's not even on the table. He didn't ask for it, we're not discussing it," Kerry said.

Mark my words: He's lying.  Obama lies through his teeth and out his rear end.  Kerry is the guy who claimed to have received multiple Purple Hearts and Bronze Stars. 
My opinion and statements of yesterday stand.  THEY ARE TO BLAME. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


How dare President Barack Hussein Obama apologize to Afghanistan for the Afghanistan war!  We lost thousands of lives there and tens of thousand military personnel came home with injuries.  They trained Al Qaeda there who took down our World Trade Center and Pentagon.  We spilled our blood and we're apologizing? 

This is treason.  This is sedition.  This son-of-a-bitch needs to be run out of this country.  Take HIS sorry bad ass to Guantanamo! 

 ~ Honorably Served and Discharged United States Air Force

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Colorado Representative Jared Polis has demonstrated that there are people in this country more whacko than Pelosi, Reid or Obama.  He's suggesting that all illegal aliens receive fully legal status immediately so that there will be more people paying into and using ObamaCare.  Immigrants are currently not required to participate in the program's individual mandate and don’t receive subsidies or the ability to participate in Medicaid programs, Polis noted. He said too often they are shifted to emergency rooms for routine healthcare, some not paying their bills, which in turn are absorbed by paying consumers.  FOR MORE.

I guess that's how these jackass left-wingers think: find two nightmares and marry them and they will be happy ever after.  People like him obviously never attended an economics class and failed Logic 101.  How they even deserve a stage whereupon they can flap their gums is beyond me.  I've got an idea of my own: Let's bring in Mexico as our 51st state and tax them so we can get rid of our national debt.  Never mind that they're all poor, this plan will work; I just know it will.  

Remember those stupid caps with a pinwheel on top?  Would you blame me if I sent him one?  I'd be willing to bet $100 that Nancy would be the first one to spin it.  

Monday, November 18, 2013


The Obama Administration has succeeded in dismantling America's dominance in the Meddle East, built over half a century, in just a few years.  That sad fact has contributed immensely to the instability in the Middle East and the resurgence of Al Qaeda. 

First, it was the "Arab Spring," which was misread by the Administration as being a solid turn toward democracy by Middle Eastern Nations.  Then there was the refusal of the Administration to recognize and deal with the growing threat of nuclear weapons capability in North Korea and Iran.  Obama then fumbled around with the "red line" in Syria and embarrassed us in front of the world.  Russia's Putin bailed Obama out.  

The latest fatality of Obama's Middle Eastern policy is Egypt.  By slashing military aid to Egypt in retaliation for the removal of Morsi, Egypt has been  forced to look to Russia for financial support.  Russia is now on the verge of becoming the preeminent foreign power in the Middle East, leaving both Israel and Jordan under increasing threats to their national securities. 

You can't blame Bush for this. 

Friday, November 15, 2013


Hang on to your bloomers, because you're certainly not expecting what's coming. 

The press has finally admitted it was wrong, wrong, wrong.  Back in 1863, the Patriot-News of central Pennsylvania, known back then as the Patriot & Union, printed an opinion that Lincoln's Gettysburg Address was "silly."  “In an editorial about President Abraham Lincoln’s speech delivered Nov. 19, 1863, in Gettysburg, the Patriot & Union failed to recognize its momentous importance, timeless eloquence, and lasting significance,” the paper wrote on its editorial page Thursday. “The Patriot-News regrets the error.” 

Although it took 150 years to admit the mistake, it signifies to me that there is hope for the press and media of 2013 yet.  Maybe, just maybe, in 2163 they'll admit they were owned lock, stock and barrel by the President of the United States and the left-wing progressive liberals and that they should have been more fair and honest in their reporting.  

Don't hold your breath. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Two-thirds of Americans polled want answers to the Benghazi Massacre according to a recent FOX NEWS poll.  After a few weeks of working on other issues, Congress is finally taking the matter up again.  They have discovered, in secret interviews with some witnesses, that in addition to the four killed, two received serious and life-threatening injuries.  

The Obama Administration has been consistently stone-walling requests for documents, witness testimony and other information.  There is growing worry among Democrats that any bad emerging Benghazi facts combined with the ObamaCare debacle could prove toxic next November.  Nevertheless, America's thirst for the full story about Benghazi continues unabated.  

They'll have a difficult time blaming Bush for this one. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


To start off with, it was Obama's idea in the first place.  He first broached the subject before he won the 2008 election.  Then, after taking office, he foisted the project on Congress.  Congress was fully controlled by the Democratic Party in 2009 and 2010.  There were more than a dozen hidden agendas that popped up as the discussions went on, and one by one the Democrats backed off.    Then, there was a "national emergency;" the plan just had to be passed right now.  Pelosi and Reid put on the full-court press and, in the face of 70% opposition against it from the citizens who they work for, the Democrats jammed this down our throats on straight part-line votes in both houses of Congress.  Of course, Obama signed it post haste, lickety-split.  

This was an entirely Democrat bill; as I remember it, not one Independent,  Libertarian or Republican voted for it.  Max Baucus led a small group of Senators against the bill, then caved in at the last minute and the bill passed... before anyone had read it. 

And therein lies the blame... every Democrat who was in office in 2010 in the House, Senate or White House is to blame.  They all collaborated blindly and with malice aforethought to "stick it to America."  Now, of course, they're shaking in their collective boots, afraid of what is coming in November of 2014.  If they had any sense at all, they'd all resign now and save themselves from the embarrassment.  

Paybacks are a bitch. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Over the three-day weekend, Secretary of State John Kerry appeared on NBC's "MEET THE PRESS" and laid into Israel for not going along with the latest proposal regarding Iranian nukes.  The "deal" called for Iran to stop short of creating a nuke but retaining the capability to do so while the world would ease sanctions against Iran.  Israel said that was not enough and France agreed with Israel, afraid that the "deal" was just a "con."  

After talks fells apart, Kerry said that Israel doesn't know what a great deal it was, more or less blaming Israel for the failure.  

Israel doesn't trust Obama.  I don't either.  Remember, he's the guy who has been promising this country they could keep their plan... period.  Obama is a prolific liar and prevaricator of the truth.  Kerry is the former Presidential candidate with 239 or so Purple Hearts and umpteen Medals of Valor.   I surely would not sit down and play poker with those two, even if I supplied the cards.  Israel is not to blame for this; Iran is.  Obama and Kerry are to blame for their endless strings of lies; no one can trust either one of them about anything. 

Friday, November 08, 2013


We hear this week that the N.S.A. has also hacked into the Secretary General of the United Nations and the computers at Yahoo and Google. Oozing out yesterday without media fanfare is news that William Binney, a codebreaking specialist whom the National Security Agency enlisted to help decipher electronic data to foil post-Sept. 11 terror plots, recently told CBS Baltimore his attempt several years ago to protest the agency’s abuse of its growing tech powers led only to personal heartache as the government pushed back against his vocal concern. That is probably one major reason why Snowden made his public disclosures. 

In the meantime,the Obama Administration is fighting an effort to have the Supreme Court immediately review the legality of the National Security Agency’s call-tracking program.
In a brief filed with the high court, the Justice Department argues that the Electronic Privacy Information Center’s petition asking the justices to weigh in on the issue is premature and that the issue should be allowed to percolate in the lower courts.

This whole N.S.A. thing has us and the world extremely uptight.  Well, President Obama is considering splitting the N.S.A. into two agencies, one dealing with the gathering of intelligence and one dealing with the conduct of war and military activities overseas.  I guess he is lame-brained enough to think that will either resolve the problem or satisfy those of us who have strong fears about his agendas, but simply dividing a cancer doesn't kill it.  In fact, separating the functions will certainly facilitate a more rapid growth and deployment of the spying portion. 

However, the fact that he is considering taking this action is indicative to me that he knows full-well that the actions of the N.S.A. are inappropriate and probably illegal.  And that is where my blame rests today. 

Thursday, November 07, 2013


Word on the Hill today is that several eye witnesses from the Benghazi Massacre are going to testify in secret next week.  Early reports indicate they will tell an entirely different story than the several variations that have already been put forth by the White House and State Department.  There's even a suggestion that there was no lull in the fighting at Benghazi, a story that the White House put out to justify not sending in reinforcements... that when the "lull" occurred they thought the fighting was over.  

There is optimism on the Hill that we will finally know the story about what went on in Benghazi and why.  The Administration has been fighting tooth and nail to keep these witnesses from testifying.  Obviously, they have something to hide, but there's no truth to the rumor that the White House has threatened the witnesses they will not be able to sign up for ObamaCare if they spill the beans. 

Hopefully, we will learn more, but don't be surprised if we don't or if Obama blames George Washington if there are any stunning revelations. 

Wednesday, November 06, 2013


Thank God we don't live in New York City.  The idiots there just elected a guy so far to the left that he makes Obama look like a far-right conservative.  He's even worse than Bloomberg. Bill de Blasio once volunteered in the Marxist Sandinista movement in Nicaragua.  He's promised to roll back educational reforms and to raise taxes, already the highest of major cities in the U.S.

All I can say is that you can expect a mass exodus from those who already can't afford to live there, leading to a bigger deficit and even higher taxes.  

You can't blame me for this one.   
He campaigned far to the left of his opponents in the Democratic primary, promising to roll back education reforms opposed by teachers unions and raise the city’s already high taxes.
volunteered with the radical socialist Sandinista movement in Nicaragua.
volunteered with the radical socialist Sandinista movement in Nicaragua.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013


Good ol' Barry is a liar,
And now his fanny's on the fire;
He's says he's not to blame,
But, we're sick and tired of his same old game.   

Monday, November 04, 2013


I just knew in my heart that Obama could not guilty of the horrible things people are saying about him and his ObamaCare program.  Finally, we know that the people who are losing their current insurance policies are victims of a massive insurance fraud.  You see, they deliberately changed people's insurance coverage so that, when the time came for ObamaCare to kick in, they could disenroll policy holders and start charging something no one can afford.  That way, people would quit buying insurance and the companies could fold their tents and go put of business.  

Makes sense to me. 

Friday, November 01, 2013


N.S.A. spied on Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio before, during and after his elevation to Pope, according to a U.K. website. 

Now here is a case where the U.S. surely had a deep national security interest.  After all, the Vatican could be on the precipice of declaring war against the United States.  Or, perhaps, the Vatican is a secret safe harbor for Muslim terrorists.  The N.S.A. hasn't responded to the allegations; they're too busy setting up a monitoring station at the North Pole Santa's Workshop.  I wonder who Obama is going to blame this on?