Monday, October 06, 2014


The President is quick to blame anyone and everything else for his dumb moves and outright failures as a President.  He's blamed Bush, Congress, FOX, Limbaugh, Intelligence, the press... everyone has been blamed.  We all know it, we all see it.  Even the Democrats in Congress know it and see it, yet they continue to support him and pretend to themselves and to us that he is "The Omnipotent One." 

We, the people in whom all rights and powers of government exist, jump right onto the blame game board and blame them for their own inadequacies.  Well, if we have the power of government in our own hands and we blame them for being wrong, we're just as guilty as they are for not taking responsibility for our own mistakes and inactions. 

It's time for us to quit playing the blame game ourselves and to use our powers to do something about it. 

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