Tuesday, August 04, 2015


Seventeen unclassified documents relating to the Iranian nuclear "deal" are being hidden from the public and the press.  THE DAILY BEAST reports that the documents, now on Capitol Hill, are locked away in secure facilities normally reserved for Top Secret documents.  The protocol for handling these documents, set by the State Department and carried out by Congress, is that these unreleased documents can only be reviewed ‘in camera’—a Latin term that means only those with special clearance can read them—and must be held in various congressional "SCIFs."  

Important facts are obviously being kept from the public just as Congress is deciding whether to support or oppose the Iran deal.  If there truly is nothing to fear, why is the administration so driven to hide the true facts from the American public?  

Could it be that... gasp... those documents contain a story quite different from the one that Obama and Kerry are pounding down our throats?  Nawww... he wouldn't pull a dirty trick on us... would he? 

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