Friday, July 29, 2016


F.B.I. Director James Comey is warning that I.S.I.S. and Syrian terrorists will be fanning out into European countries and the U.S. as we continue to retrieve the land masses they have conquered.  "At some point there's going to be a terrorist diaspora out of Syria like we've never seen before.  We saw the future of this threat in Brussels and Paris," adding that future attacks will be on "an order of magnitude greater." 

Comey called violence directed or inspired by Islamic State "the greatest threat to the physical safety of Americans today," and said that "a lot of terrorists fled out of Afghanistan in the late 1980s and early 1990s. This is 10 times that or more."  
Who can we depend on to meet this threat... Hillary, who royally screwed up Benghazi... or Trump?  Certainly, Obama could not possibly care less.  

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