Thursday, August 24, 2017


I had intended to quit posting to this blog except for when exigent circumstances demanded it, and I still feel that way.  So, recent events have nagged at me to come forth with my recent posts.  

The state of the nation is ugly, and it's getting worse every day... almost by the hour.  The anti-American left-wing media of this country, (and that includes almost every newspaper, cable and broadcast network in the nation), not only dishonors those of us who voted for Trump but... the jackals of "journalism" are literally fanning the flames of revolution and anarchy.  What's worse is that few responsible voices are coming out against it.  

The day is fast approaching, my friends... I mean, we're at the very precipice right now... when we're going to have no choice but to defend our country, perhaps with our very own lives.  All of the radical, fascist forces are already in motion against us; yet, the silence from those who love our country is deafening.  

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