Wednesday, September 27, 2017


House Speaker Paul Ryan is not fooling America when he crows that the House did its job on ObamaCare and the Senate failed.  The plain simple fact of the matter is that it took the vote of Vice President Pence to get that bill passed.  The ugly truth is that the House Republicans vastly outnumber the Democrats 240 to 194 and a properly construed health care repeal and replace bill should have easily passed. 

That's the key: The House bill sucked.  It's didn't repeal and replace ObamaCare, it just muddied the waters.  Ryan and his cohorts thought that by passing a bill, any bill, they could get off the hot seat and punt to the Senate.  Then, the Senate Republicans played the same damned game, coming up with poorly constructed legislation that did virtually nothing toward living up to their promise made to Americans to repeal and replace ObamaCare.  

Ryan knew in advance what the outcome would be.  There is every reason to believe that both he and Mitch McConnell conspired to torpedo any chances of the number one item on Trump's agenda getting passed into law. 

Any Member of Congress, Democrat or Republican, who doesn't make a move now to replace both of these "leaders" needs to be tossed out of office in 2018.  America simply can't take any more of these charades.  

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