First they demand amnesty, then they refuse to take Trump up on it. Then they want families reunited immediately at the border and when that happens, it's not good enough. They want Trump to secure some kind of meaningful peace with North Korea; when he makes a breakthrough and sets up a meeting, they're screaming that Trump doesn't know what he's doing and will sell America down the river, (as if Obama didn't). When that meeting gets canceled, they cheer while carping out that Trump doesn't know spit about foreign policy. When the meeting gets back on, they all ignore that fact; and when the meeting reaches a positive conclusion, there's no mention of it because... they're all too busy chastising Trump over the G7 Summit. Every time there's a Bill up for vote in the Senate that Trump backs, not a single Democrat votes for it.
The media is so full of fake and distorted news, so empty of the real news of the day... they've become total puppets of the George Soros-Barack Obama mafia.
We're in serious trouble, and unless we step up to the plate and do something about it, the blame is going to shift to us.
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