Monday, July 22, 2019


Hot on the heels of being exposed for paying campaign workers very substandard wages, Bernie Sanders has announced that he is cutting staff hours, thereby effectively increasing their pay to $15.00 an hour.   There has been no mention as to how the necessary work is going to get done, so one can only assume they are now expected to produce 8-9 hours worth of labor in four hours a day in order to get the $15.00 wage.  

In the meanwhile, of course, he continues to promise that after he wins the presidency, he'll raise the national minimum wage to $15.00.  

What he fails to recognize is the end result of his pompous promises.  Take me, for instance: If I didn't have a computer, I'd have to pay at least two full-time employees wages and benefits and I'd be out of business.  So, I have a computer instead.  Expect more automation and elimination of jobs, thereby raising unemployment... if Bernie wins the presidency.  

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