All across the country in various jurisdictions and in various law enforcement agencies... there are just not enough officers to go around. It's bad enough when the fabric of our society is crumbling, when we are being inundated by easily-obtained drugs, when we invitingly allow rapists, gang-bangers, sex traffickers, and other illegals to cross our borders... But, we also compound the situation by threatening law enforcement officers with loss of their jobs or criminal charges themselves if they do the slightest thing wrong.
We criticize them, dump water on them, protest against them, throw rocks at them... and we expect college-educated men and women to tolerate it? California is passing a law that says even if a law enforcement officer is bleeding-out in the streets, no citizen has any duty or obligation to go help him or her.
Yes, we have a law enforcement crisis in the country and the Democrats don't want us to do anything about it. They want to do away with the bail system. They're starting to let known violent offenders to get out of jail early. In fact... they want to take away our rights to defend ourselves by confiscating our guns.
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