Friday, October 25, 2019


Anybody in business in California areas where PGE has been shutting off electricity has faced adverse economic ramifications.  Grocery and convenience stores lost a combined total of millions of dollars worth of frozen and refrigerated foods.  Small, online mom-and-pop retailers couldn't process sales because their computers were down.  Taxi and delivery services couldn't find gas for their vehicles. Schools and government offices closed.  The list is endless.  

PGE insists it's a small price to pay for ensuring that disastrous wildfires won't start.  

It's not the customer's fault that the electricity is being shut off; blame lies solely on PGE, which refused to keep its equipment safely operating and modernized, so it would have enough money to pay stock dividends and huge bonuses.  

Now, they're refusing to offer any compensation to their customers who lost money due to the outages.  

"T.S.," as they say. 

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