The shuckers and duckers of the world need to be exposed for who and what they are.
Monday, August 31, 2020
Friday, August 28, 2020
Biden-Harris In Deep Trouble... Already!
While presidential candidates have historically had an upwards "bump" in their poll ratings coming out of a party convention, the Biden-Harris ticket actually dropped!
Biden was a lackluster candidate from day one. If Bernie Sanders hadn't come out so strongly in favor of Cuba, he might well have been the candidate instead of Biden. Biden compounded his problems by staying in his basement unless he absolutely had to come out... and then he just had to commit gaffes and convince everyone of his mental decline.
He added to his misery by picking Kamala Harris as his running mate... a woman who made a total ass out of herself during the Kavanaugh hearings and who could barely muster 2% of the vote in the primaries. Top all of this off by holding a poorly-scripted virtual convention, during which God was left off the agenda, the riots were totally ignored, no creative solutions were offered for anything, and the general overall message was one of divisiveness, scorn and outright condemnation of everyday Americans.
They both deserve what they are going to get in November... hemorroidectomies.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
It's About Time!
Rioters and looters in Kenosha, Wisconsin are madder than hell that business owners are carrying guns in protection of their properties.
Monday, August 24, 2020
You Despicable Beings!
The United States is in its worst condition since before the Declaration of Independence! We have a dictator in charge, not the people! Racism is rampant! The economy sucks! Our relations with other nations are at an all-time low. We're on the verge of World War III and we're plagued with disease!
And it's all because of you, the Trumpies! You are the devils in disguise! You must be eliminated!
Please pass the Brown poop on!
Friday, August 21, 2020
A Once-Great Political Party Hits Bottom
It's an absolute, crying shame. The Democratic Party, once the bastion of the working man and middle America, has now evolved into an anti-American, Antifa-loving, Fascist-Marxist party.
It's beyond disgusting. Above and beyond China, Russia, North Korea, Iran and the Chinese Virus, Democrats have become America's Number One Enemy!
It sickens me.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
And He Wants To Know What He's Called A RINO?
So-called Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has been gushing all over the place about Jill Biden's speech last night. “Tonight, Jill Biden did a very good job representing herself and Joe in the causes they believe in,” he wrote on Twitter. “She’s an outstanding person who has led a consequential life.”
Yes, I'm going to donate to and vote for Trump, but it will be a cold day in hell before I give a dime to the Republican Party. They don't back our President one iota.
Big City Residents Are To Blame
People are leaving the big cities, (New York, Seattle, Chicago, Portland, etc.), in hoards. They're fed up with Covid-19 restrictions and endless riots and vandalism. Who can blame them?
Well, they ARE to blame. Historically, true Americans have never run from a fight. They've done everything possible to make things right for themselves and their posterity. What those who are leaving are really saying is that they'd rather switch than fight.
Actually, that takes NO guts!
Monday, August 17, 2020
Friday, August 14, 2020
Don't Blame Trump For This
A legal scholar suggests that Kamala Harris may not be a legally qualified "natural born citizen" as required under our Constitution in order to become president.
Trump did not agree with this position, nor did he disagree. He simply said that he"had no idea" whether or not that was true. She was born in the United States in 1964 of parents who were not citizens. Had they become citizens? That is a good legal question which deserves an answer because, if not, is she really a natural born citizen?
I'm not going to take a position, either. But, the question needs to be answered... particularly in a nation that knows damned well that Barack Hussein Obama was not born in Hawaii.
Stock Up On Ammo!
Uncle Joe and the Kamalala have made it abundantly clear: they are staunchly for gun control! A vote for them is a vote against the 2nd Amendment.
Better stock up on your ammunition now before they close down the gun and ammo stores!
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
You Can Lead Horse To Water, But You Can't Make Him Drink
Several major cities are, as we know, in major problems with riots, looting and escalating crime. Only in the last few days have some mayors acknowledged that these are anything but "peaceful protests."
Nevertheless, involved mayors and governors who acknowledge the severity of their issues steadfastly refuse to allow federal officers in to quell the uprisings on the basis that they don't want to make Trump look good.
Let them bask in their own stupidities. Let their citizens pay the price.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Are Your REAL Guns Locked And Loaded?
To be blunt about it, it's not Trump the Democrats want out of the way! It's you and me and every American who supports the "Make American Great Again" movement. It's every single one of us who wants to protect and save our country!
They want our guns, our ammo, our history, our children, our Constitution, our religion and most certainly our freedoms! They have sold their souls to the Russians, the Chinese, Karl Marx, Saul Alinski and George Soros... and now they want to enslave our souls in the process. In doing so, they stand behind the riots, the Covid, the crime, the opening of prison doors and the infiltration of illegals and their gangs.
In their minds, they're only three months away from getting what they want. Only you and I and our friends and families can stop them.
Don't vote by mail. Vote in person, and drag along everybody within reach.
Friday, August 07, 2020
L.A.'s Garcetti: Do As I Say Or Pay A Heavy Price
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is a raging lunatic!
He's authorized the city to shut off water and electricity to any building, business or residential, that houses what he considers to be a "large gathering." I presume he's also going to arbitrarily send the offenders to solitary confinement at Alcatraz as well?
Where does the pompous asshole get this authority, anyway?
Thursday, August 06, 2020
Portland Gets What It Deserves
The Police Chief is ticked off because the feds backed out as agreed and the riots are continuing. What did you expect, Chief?
If you bad bothered to study history, you'd have learned that you can't placate thugs and terrorists! The only way to handle them is to crack heads, bloody them up and jail them for a very long time.
Wednesday, August 05, 2020
Name me one Democrat, from Pudunk, Iowa or from anywhere else in this country who has stood up and said: These things are not right! Just one!
So, they own it!
The next time you run across any Democrat who starts off with vitriol and bullshit, please get in their face and give them a piece of your American mind!
Monday, August 03, 2020
Send in the troops and clean the scum out! I don't give a damn WHAT the Democrats want or say!
Just do it!