Friday, August 28, 2020

Biden-Harris In Deep Trouble... Already!

While presidential candidates have historically had an upwards "bump" in their poll ratings coming out of a party convention, the Biden-Harris ticket actually dropped! 

Biden was a lackluster candidate from day one.  If Bernie Sanders hadn't come out so strongly in favor of Cuba, he might well have been the candidate instead of Biden.  Biden compounded his problems by staying in his basement unless he absolutely had to come out... and then he just had to commit gaffes and convince everyone of his mental decline.     

He added to his misery by picking Kamala Harris as his running mate... a woman who made a total ass out of herself during the Kavanaugh hearings and who could barely muster 2% of the vote in the primaries.  Top all of this off by holding a poorly-scripted virtual convention, during which God was left off the agenda, the riots were totally ignored, no creative solutions were offered for anything, and the general overall message was one of divisiveness, scorn and outright condemnation of everyday Americans.  

They both deserve what they are going to get in November... hemorroidectomies.  


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