Monday, November 20, 2017


If I've heard it once, I've heard it a million times: "What in God's name has happened to our country?"  

Well, you're not going to like the answer, but in your heart you will know that I am correct.  What has happened is that we have not taken care of our country.  Like a crop, you can't just plant the seeds, walk away and expect them to grow and produce without coming back to water them, fertilize them, weed them, chase insects and predators away and keep them from getting diseases.  You have to work your tail off every day to protect them and nourish them.  

Frankly, we've treated our country like it really doesn't exist.  We're worse than dog owners who throw their dogs out into the back yard on cold and snowy nights. 

And we... we are the only ones who can make things better.  

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