Monday, November 13, 2017


Back on November 1st, I reported on this blog that the tunnels leading into North Korea's underground test site had collapsed and that some 200 had died.  I also reported scientists were concerned that radiation could escape from that location and threaten Japan or even the U.S.  

Since then, we've heard nothing. 

Although North Korea adamantly denies that the collapse occurred at all, more and more news sources are carrying the story.  Joel Myers, the founder and chairman of AccuWeather, said this week's forecast could spread radiation and threaten nearby countries with contamination from North Korea's last test.  “As winds pick up out of the northwest over the next few days, it is possible that any radiation that leaks from the site [where the nuclear test took place] could be carried and dispersed across the Sea of Japan and even to the Japanese islands.” 

This reminds me of the enormous meltdown of nuclear reactors at Fukushima; radiation from that disaster actually did reach our west coast.  

Of course, we wouldn't be in this predicament at all if Bill Clinton had stopped North Korea's nuclear program way back in the beginning...  or if George W. Bush or Barack Insane Obama had done their jobs and put a stop to it. 

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