The shuckers and duckers of the world need to be exposed for who and what they are.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I'm an American. I'm the little guy in the street with just one vote. I'm the guy who has earned my own way and paid my own bills throughout my life. I'm the guy who pays my taxes on time, and I'm the guy who will quietly dry up and blow away, one of these days.
I'm also the guy who called and emailed my Congressman and told him he'd better not vote to bail your sorry asses out of this mess at my expense or I'd have his job on election day. And, I meant it when I said it.
So, don't blame my Representative. Blame me.
I, for one, am fed up, sick, and downright pissed off at the last twenty years because, with one exception, all the Congress of the United States has done is fight, bicker, carp at each other and the President, (whoever it was), lie, cheat, steal and have sexual orgies and expensive junkets on my dollar.
With one exception, you have never worked together or stood together on behalf of the American people. That one exception was on September 11, 2001, a day when you stood together and worked together for us. One damned day in 20 plus years, and what a day it was.
You slept at the switch. You didn't bat an eye when the warning signs started to pop up. And, when the walls came tumbling down, you are the ones who had the collective audacity in your hallowed Senate halls to tell us to shut up, fork over the money, bail out your sorry asses and to be grateful because you were going to save us from your ineptitude, laziness, and louzy job performance.
Yes, I'm the one to blame. I'm the one who tried to contact my Representative by email during the day of September 29 to thank him for finally listening to the heartbeat of America and you're the ones who shut the Congressional email system down so that I couldn't do it. Not one word of apology for this mess did I hear from your mealy mouth. Not one word of American spirit, such as "Let's work together to find a good way to deal with this, and move on together to keep it from happening again."
What I did hear was carp, carp, carp. Bitch, bitch, bitch. Hurry up and bail us out.
If you had any shame at all for this mess, you'd resign. But, you have no shame. You now turn it upside down into a war of strict politics between the two parties in a desperate attempt to turn our attention away from the fact that, regardless of party, you need to be replaced.
So, don't blame the House of Representatives, blame me, the little guy in the streets with the one vote who says, "Twenty years of your bull is enough. This was the straw that broke our backs."
Monday, September 29, 2008
Maybe the dumb idiots think that the sooner they get it passed, the more time we, the voters, will have to forget about it before election day?
Well, they are our elected officials, asleep at the proverbial railroad switch. We need to fire them.
Print this out and remember it when you are getting ready to vote in November....PLEASE?
Sunday, September 28, 2008
As we all know, they have the votes to pass the financial bailout. So, why won't they just pass it? Wel,, they don't seem to want to talk about that.
Maybe we're right...Maybe it really DOES stink and they want the Republicans to eat crow with them?
Friday, September 26, 2008
OBAMA TURNS BACK ON ILLINOIS CONSTITUENTS: Leaves Washington In Middle of Financial Crisis
We've just had the largest bank failure in United States history, Washington Mutual. We have a big, nasty financial crisis looming in a very dark hour for the country and Senator McCain is there in Washington using his influence, voice and vote as a United States Senator and as representative for his Arizona constituents and where is Obama?
He's out on the stump, shucking and ducking his responsibilities and leaving his Illinois constituents holding the bag without a voice or a vote in this crisis.
Speaks volumes about the two candidates, doesn't it?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
CRISIS BLAME BELONGS IN CONGRESSIONAL LAPS: Shuckers and Duckers Playing Us for Suckers!
And, so it comes out that Congress, which has been blaming the Bush Administration for the financial crisis, has actually been warned consistently since 2001 that something needed to be done, particularly with respect to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. And so it is that they pooh-pahhed the warnings and buried their heads, and our wallets in the sand.
And here we are, in a Chinese fired drill all ready to shove $700 billion out of the halls of Congress to make the problem go away.
We need to make Congress go away.
Replace them all in November.
Go for it.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
These same restrictions were subsequently undone in recent years and here we are, facing the same ugly threat. Who did it? Congress. At whose suggestion and request? Those same banks, investment companies and stock companies.
Congress has an oversight committee that is supposed to monitor what is going in with the economy not only in our country, but world wide as well. Greenspan went to the Hill on a regular basis to report, as Bernacke does now. And, the committee has oversight with the Secretary of the Treasury and the myriad of regulatory agencies under his, (Paulson's), control. These regulatory agencies did not do their jobs, or this situation could not have become the national emergency that it is now.
Now, you can lay the blame on all three parties, as far as I am concerned, being Congress, the companies, and Treasury. They collectively either allowed or conspired to have these things, these lacks of good sense and management, to occur. They know it and have already tried to justify it by saying that they were trying to help the economy grow, blah blah.
To the FBI who is now stepping in to investigate, I say "follow the money trails." To Bush, I say "Fire Bernacke." To the American people, I say fire Congress. Vote the incumbents out and tell the new Congress to restrict these companies from doing each others business, and doing the American taxpayer at the same time. Prohibit insurance companies from being bankers and prohibit investment companies from selling insurance, and so forth.
Get back to the basics.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Paulson has the audacity to lay the blame on people before him, on the failures of Congress to do their jobs... everywhere except at his desk. He alludes that the situation "could have been much worse. We're lucky."
Here is the classic example of bullshit in government. He has the audacity to demand of Congress that they do what he says immediately. He's the alarmist long after the alarm should have been sounded, and he's the guy who supposedly had his hands on the pulse of things all along. He's allowed the buildings to burn halfway to the ground before he sounded the alarm bell.
Paulson has to go. And so should the whole damned Congressional Committee....BEFORE they rush headlong into "emergency" decisions like a bunch of used car salesman with a carlot full of customers.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Hurry up! We need that money by the end of the week, or else we're going to sell that used car to someone else! Hurry up, now!
Doesn't good old Treasury boss Hank sound like a used car salesman?
I don't know about you, but I smell a big rat.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Paulson says that the regulatory system is broken and needs to be fixed because it is outdated.
They have had at least eight years to recognize that and fix it; why does it have to come to this crisis before they now say, "It's broken and needs to be fixed?"
Not only is the current administration trying to spin itself out of the responsibility for this, but no one has yet mentioned Congress which had oversight. Congress has been too busy dong nothing but bickering for at least 20 years to have caught this?
If we want change, we need to get rid of every single person in Congress.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I've waited 24 hours to digest the news of the bailouts and to hear what the pundits and politicos have to say.
The fact that investors knew the risks when they invested and that they received better rates of return because of the risks, and that the taxpayers are now assuming those risks, means to me that the investors profited without risk and at the expense of the taxpayers.
The fact that the government is now placing the risk of corporate enterprises on the taxpayer's back means to me that we virtually have a communistic form of government where we share in everything whether we want to or not.
With some great difficulty, I can accept Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac backing by the Fed's. If the government is going to use our money to support, at its own choosing and with no rules for fairness in the game, bailouts of this or that banking, insurance or investment company, then Goddammit they need to bail my ass out, too!
This mess is pure, unadulterated donkey and elephant crap.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Several months ago, I started asserting that the economy is in increasingly bad shape. I even suggested that the downturn might last for as long as several years before it turns around. I was absolutely ostracized.
Here we are, a few months later, and the economy has sucked up several major banks, investment companies, Fanny Mae, Freddie Mac, and Countrywide. Bush on Monday finally pulled his head out of the sand and admitted that the economy is having problems, but stressed that it is still “strong.” Both Presidential candidates acknowledged that the economy needs fixing. Yet, the spin seems to continue: “If you want to have good times, you need to expect down times.” Horse…..manure.
What’s worse is that some major banks are gobbling up smaller financial firms that are in trouble. Bank of America has gobbled up so much that it, itself, must now be on much less stable ground. This sounds very precarious to me. I don’t want to be the harbinger of bad news, but this all sounds like “pre-depression” stuff to me. And, there’s no easy fix, either.
What is the real problem here?
Energy and big oil and the stubborn unwillingness of Congress to deal with it are fundamentally to blame. In fact, if you will study the events leading up to the “Big Depression,” you’ll find that you had a few big banks controlling the finances of the country; they were in the mortgage business and they were in the stock business. Congress split them up as part of solving the issues. You also had a few big oil companies, Standard Oil for one, controlling oil, natural gas…even coal. Does this sound familiar?
Congress went on vacation in the midst of the highest gas prices in history. Pelosi refused pleas from both sides of the House to attack the issue before going on vacation and left the House members standing on their thumbs as she literally headed for the airport. Now that they’re back in session, are they addressing the issue? Hell no. It’s election time, remember? No Congressional member is going to make any waves about anything, especially big oil; they need those campaign donations to keep on coming!
With energy prices up, people quit spending. Layoffs started and unemployment kicked off. The cost of goods delivered by truck escalated, tightening the family belts ever further. Risky loans went immediately into default and the good loans are now following. Gas prices have not gone down to any appreciable degree and, as long as the oil industry remains monopolistic and unpunished, they are certain to go up again, sooner rather than later. By all accounts, new oil sources will not come on line for at least seven to ten years, and everyone also agrees that alternative energy sources will have no impact for at least that long, either.
With oil being the initiating bandit, are we not looking at seven to ten more years of this financial quagmire?
Or, is the oil industry really to blame? They may have started it, but Washington has clearly refused to do anything about it except to give it lip service and to turn to us, as taxpayers, to pay for it…. So we get the “double whammy.” It inevitable that we are going to have to increase taxes at some point in order to pay for all of these “bailouts.” That, my friend, will most certainly only prolong the bad economic news.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Obama is whining again. “They keep harping on my Muslim connections. They’re always mentioning my middle name. I AM NOT A Muslin, never have been a Muslim, never been in a Mosque. I’m a Christian, pure and simple.” Well, the facts suggest otherwise. But, that’s not my real concern here. Obama’s father was Muslim, he was raised as a Muslin, he went to Mosque…until he was three or four years old. I don’t know that he attends Mosque now and I do not believe, based on what I know, that he is a practicing Muslim today. So, why does he deny his childhood? That’s what bothers me.
It is a fundamental flaw in your character to deny your childhood. It is scary when, as a candidate for the Presidency of the
Here’s the man who claims to be a Christian, who attended church in Jeremiah Wright’s congregation and participated in the anti-American rantings and ravings of his pastor, who denied that he did those things, and who belittles those in
He whines again when we question his patriotism. But, it is not “we” who refused to place his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance or the playing of the Star Spangled Banner. It is not “we” who refused to wear an American Flag on his lapel. It is not “we” who denigrated the seal of the Presidency and converted it to his own image. And, it is not “we” who removed the American flag from his private campaign jet.
I do know one thing. I don’t like people who play “smoke and mirrors,” or who play me for a sucker. And I sure would be mad as hell if this candidate were elected and chose to insist on using the Koran and the flag of Islam at his swearing in.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Labor Department Confirms Retaliatory Firing in Violation of Anti-Pollution Laws
Following a hearing before a federal administrative law judge,
The Anaconda Mine is an abandoned copper mine covering more than 3,600 acres where acid run-off and waste rock containing low levels of uranium, thorium and other toxic metals have been deposited in unlined ponds. The mine has also had a succession of owners, including, most recently, the Atlantic Richfield Company owned by British Petroleum.
- Radiation readings well above background levels that pose risks to the health of workers onsite;
- Higher than expected contamination of soil, groundwater and drinking water wells; and
- Non-compliance with a number of federal pollution standards, including public and worker exposure to radioactive and toxic metals in air-borne dust.
"I'm glad to have this vindication and achieve closure on this matter," stated
The substance of
"It has taken
The ruling for
Read the Labor Secretary Administrative Review Board "Final Decision and Order"
Learn the background of the Dixon case
See the underlying ruling in Dixon's favor that has been affirmed
Review BLM attempts to cover up problems at Yerington before EPA stepped in
Look at the low batting average for environmental whistleblowers during the Bush administration
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
• Georgia formally cuts diplomatic ties with Russia
• Russia formally recognizes two breakaway Georgian areas as independent countries
• Moscow maintains thousands of Russian troops in Geogria despite cease fire agreement
• Russia threatens to use nuclear weapons in Poland
• Russia declares Georgian government must cease to exist
• Iran blames Georgia for its confrontation with Russia and in a reference to Israel and the U.S., urges regional countries to unite against foreign interference.
• Russia decides to send a delegation to discuss completion of the Russian-aided Bushehr atomic power station; the plant will be operational in early 2009.
• Syria's President Bashar Assad has stepped up his outreach, seeking aid to build up Syrian military forces and offering Moscow help in return
• Assad says Syria is ready to help Moscow respond to the planned U.S. missile defense shield in Europe; Syria's government swiftly denied that Assad had made an offer to host Russian missiles on Syrian land
• China, Russia and Pakistan becoming more aligned against U.S. interests and allies
Sept 3: Korea Begins Rebuilding It's Nuclear Plant!
If you don’t mind my asking, what really IS the most important news of the day?