Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Obama is whining again. “They keep harping on my Muslim connections. They’re always mentioning my middle name. I AM NOT A Muslin, never have been a Muslim, never been in a Mosque. I’m a Christian, pure and simple.” Well, the facts suggest otherwise. But, that’s not my real concern here. Obama’s father was Muslim, he was raised as a Muslin, he went to Mosque…until he was three or four years old. I don’t know that he attends Mosque now and I do not believe, based on what I know, that he is a practicing Muslim today. So, why does he deny his childhood? That’s what bothers me.

It is a fundamental flaw in your character to deny your childhood. It is scary when, as a candidate for the Presidency of the United States, you deny your childhood and you deny access to information about your life, such as college transcripts. He says he attended Columbia, but he won’t provide transcripts. Why?

Here’s the man who claims to be a Christian, who attended church in Jeremiah Wright’s congregation and participated in the anti-American rantings and ravings of his pastor, who denied that he did those things, and who belittles those in Scranton who cling to their religion and guns. He includes in his known listing of acquaintances and friends one William Ayers who blew up the World Trade Center in the first go-around, and Louis Farrakhan, “Supreme Minister of the Nation of Islam.”

He whines again when we question his patriotism. But, it is not “we” who refused to place his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance or the playing of the Star Spangled Banner. It is not “we” who refused to wear an American Flag on his lapel. It is not “we” who denigrated the seal of the Presidency and converted it to his own image. And, it is not “we” who removed the American flag from his private campaign jet.

I do know one thing. I don’t like people who play “smoke and mirrors,” or who play me for a sucker. And I sure would be mad as hell if this candidate were elected and chose to insist on using the Koran and the flag of Islam at his swearing in.

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