Tuesday, September 30, 2008



I'm an American. I'm the little guy in the street with just one vote. I'm the guy who has earned my own way and paid my own bills throughout my life. I'm the guy who pays my taxes on time, and I'm the guy who will quietly dry up and blow away, one of these days.

I'm also the guy who called and emailed my Congressman and told him he'd better not vote to bail your sorry asses out of this mess at my expense or I'd have his job on election day. And, I meant it when I said it.

So, don't blame my Representative. Blame me.

I, for one, am fed up, sick, and downright pissed off at the last twenty years because, with one exception, all the Congress of the United States has done is fight, bicker, carp at each other and the President, (whoever it was), lie, cheat, steal and have sexual orgies and expensive junkets on my dollar.

With one exception, you have never worked together or stood together on behalf of the American people. That one exception was on September 11, 2001, a day when you stood together and worked together for us. One damned day in 20 plus years, and what a day it was.

You slept at the switch. You didn't bat an eye when the warning signs started to pop up. And, when the walls came tumbling down, you are the ones who had the collective audacity in your hallowed Senate halls to tell us to shut up, fork over the money, bail out your sorry asses and to be grateful because you were going to save us from your ineptitude, laziness, and louzy job performance.

Yes, I'm the one to blame. I'm the one who tried to contact my Representative by email during the day of September 29 to thank him for finally listening to the heartbeat of America and you're the ones who shut the Congressional email system down so that I couldn't do it. Not one word of apology for this mess did I hear from your mealy mouth. Not one word of American spirit, such as "Let's work together to find a good way to deal with this, and move on together to keep it from happening again."

What I did hear was carp, carp, carp. Bitch, bitch, bitch. Hurry up and bail us out.

If you had any shame at all for this mess, you'd resign. But, you have no shame. You now turn it upside down into a war of strict politics between the two parties in a desperate attempt to turn our attention away from the fact that, regardless of party, you need to be replaced.

So, don't blame the House of Representatives, blame me, the little guy in the streets with the one vote who says, "Twenty years of your bull is enough. This was the straw that broke our backs."

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