Wednesday, June 03, 2009


They like chasing down rabbit trails and the Democrats are using that fact to their advantage.

Here comes a scandal, or something that somebody in Congress or the Administration has totally screwed up. The Republicans get their bowels in an uproar and go chasing after the story, digging up facts and screaming like wounded kangaroos. Then, the Dems let loose with another scandal or story and the Republicans drop everything and go down that new rabbit trail, screaming and hollering and making other obnoxious noises.

Seems like they just can't stick with any issue long enough to bring it to a head. That shows lack of understanding of how they are being played. It also displays lack of focus and the absence of leadership.

In other words, they don't have their act together.

That's why Pelosi gets away with saying what she did about the CIA. That's why the bailouts to banks who throw lavish parties and pay bonuses go unchecked. That's why the ACORN thing is already on "fizzle."

Imagine, to everyone's surprise, today's story that the new national Health Plan is just about ready for a vote! Why was it a surprise? Because the Democrats were making hay while the Republicans have been chasing down rabbit trails.

So, they're wavering about Sotomayor while Obama has them worried about what he's going to do or say on this trip.

Get the picture?

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