Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Two events occurred Christmas that reveal the sad state of airline security: (1) A Nigerian national on a Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Detroit fired off an incendiary device that, had it worked as intended, would have killed nearly 300 passengers and crew on board plus an unknown number on the ground, and (2) A Lufthansa flight from Frankfurt to Detroit was diverted to Iceland where it was searched for suspicious baggage; it was later discovered that the baggage was okay, but that the owner had not boarded the plane in Frankfurt.

Violations of security protocol occurred in both events; it was by the Grace of God that no terrorist act succeeded.

In the first case, the Nigerian purchased his ticket with cash; the ticket was a one-way ticket. Both of these actions were sufficient reason for agents to pull the passenger aside and give him a thorough going over, which would have resulted in his bomb packet being discovered between his legs. I have had that done to me in an instance where I had to purchase a one-way ticket on short notice due to a funeral; I flew from Spokane to Albuquerque to Reno, and I was thoroughly screened several times along the way. Adding insult to injury, the Nigerian’s father, a well-known Nigerian bank executive, had warned officials that his son had turned to radical Islam. Evidently, no one cared enough to communicate that information to TSA. Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano basically shrugged the incident off, saying: “The system worked.” What outright and blatant audacity.

In the second case, security protocol requires that the flight cannot take off if a passenger has checked baggage on board and is not on the flight himself. When the passenger failed to board in Frankfurt, his luggage should have been removed prior to takeoff. To my knowledge, Janet Napolitano didn’t even comment on this incident; maybe she realized that the “system” was NOT working, so she shucked and ducked. That seems to be the modus operandi for everyone in the Administration.

Both of these incidents underscore an ominous fact: Security lapses are not receiving the attention they should be, thereby leaving us at the mercy of the “Grace of God” in the future.

We must now ask ourselves in what other areas of management Janet Napolitano has proven herself to be incapable of administering. What about border security? She has proven several times that her knowledge of border laws is not very extensive. She blocked further federal funding for Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s immigration enforcement unit.

She is also the one, if you remember correctly, who said that returning veterans pose a risk of right-wing extremism. In fact, she identifies you and I as being right wing extremists if:
  • You believe in the 2nd Amendment
  • You believe in the right to life
  • You believe in the right to free speech
  • You are a veteran who honorably served your country
  • You believe in the right to peaceably assemble
  • You desire that your government not waste YOUR money
  • You believe you pay enough taxes already
  • You are a returning member of the military who risked your life for your country
  • You desire the laws of our land be ENFORCED and our BORDERS SECURED!
  • You are of the Jewish or Christian faith and believe the government should protect against radical Islamic fundamentalists who desire to kill you and other Americans
  • You believe those who violate the law should NOT be rewarded with YOUR tax dollars
Back in June, James Von Brunn walked into the National Holocaust Museum and opened fire with a difficult- to-conceal 22-caliber rifle and killed a guard. He was a convicted felon, barred by the law from owning or possessing a gun. He had spent six years in jail for the attempted kidnapping of Paul Volcker of the Federal Reserve Board. He was an acknowledged hater of Jews and Negroes, a "radical extremist" who, according to Janet Napolitano, should have been high on the watch list. But, for some inexplicable reason, he wasn’t.

Like Tim Geithner, she needs to be replaced. Obama’s collection of monkeys, idiots, fascists, and Marxists all needs to be replaced.

Yes, I am a right wing extremist. I firmly am against the likes of Marx, Lenin, Chavez, Stalin and Bill Ayers. And, I will continue to be vocal in my opinions, because I am an American and I have the right to be vocal. You can call me a “Tea Party lunatic,” a politically incorrect, angry man…whatever you want, I don’t care.

Enough is enough.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


If I lived in Nebraska, I’d be ashamed to call myself an American after what Ben Nelson did to us. If we are smart, we’ll quit buying Nebraska corn and beef. In fact, all of the states that benefited from all of those dirty-dealing back room deals should be dropped from the United States. Let them be third-world or European nations; maybe Kenya will take them in.

The Senate Democrats are the epitome of mean, dirty political tricks and corruption, total disregard for their constituencies, and dishonor of the content and spirit of the Constitution of the United States. That having been said, I don’t subscribe to the theory that the Republicans are any better. Somehow, those in Washington have totally strayed from the conduct of their duties as envisioned by our founders and we have allowed them to get away with it. See what you get when you sit on your butt and don’t get involved in national politics?

How do you like these apples? The word is that the current Senate Bill has a provision in it that no future Congress can revoke, alter or change it. Isn't that flatly illegal and fascist?

Their double-dealing ways have got to be put to an end. Every Member of Congress, regardless of political party, needs to be turned out on the streets. They have lied to us, manipulated the facts, stonewalled the questions, called us names, told us one thing while doing another, taken bribes and political payoffs… In short, they have crapped on our dinner plates and they’ve not even smiled when they did it to us.

They have violated our Constitution and gotten away with it not only this year but, for decades.

Now, the country is on the precipice of bankruptcy and they point their fingers of blame at us, at each other, at past Presidents… everywhere except themselves. Yet, they don’t stop their spending ways.

We, the people, can give ourselves a Christmas present that will keep on giving and giving: we can promise now to get rid of them all. We can completely replace the House in the coming election and 1/3 of the Senate. In 2012 we can replace another 1/3 of the Senate and we can replace the entire House again if we have to make the message clearer. In 2014, when all of this Health Care disaster kicks in, we can finish off the last 1/3 of the Senate. I’m talking Republicans, Democrats,
all of them including turncoat Senator Lieberman.

Let’s replace all Members of Congress with... AMERICANS.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


You are in total and utter contempt of the will of the people. You are violating our trust. You are trashing our Constitution. You are knowingly and willingly exceeding the boundaries of your responsibilities. And you, Ben Nelson and Joe Lieberman, are truly the Benedict Arnolds of our time.

You are selling our souls, our spirits, our hopes for the future of this country for a few trinkets of wasted government spending that you can lay upon your states… Those are but fleeting moments of time in the scale of eternity, but your transactions of treason will last forever and ever.

All of you should be ashamed of calling yourselves Americans while dealing us such a horrible debt and allowing encroachments of our freedoms and liberties.

We are not just angry. We are flat pissed off, and you will have your day of reckoning, sooner than you think.

May God damn your thoughtless, selfish, ugly and wicked ways.

* * * * *

My fellow Americans, our United States Senate most sincerely wishes us a very Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

HELLO, WASHINGTON! Your Day Of Reckoning Is Coming

Let’s get one thing straight, Washington: We are not to blame for the shambles that our economy, our morals, our ethics and the overall state of our nation is in. The blame lies squarely in your laps. Yes, you are supposed to be working for us, so we do share in the blame, but we are now coming to our senses and we are going to hold you accountable when we stand on our feet and throng to the polls next November.

We have had enough.

For as long as I can remember, Congress, the White House and our Courts have been partners in ripping this country apart. And, yes, the stench has gotten worse over the last twenty years. As leaders of our country, you have a responsibility to hold yourselves to a higher standard as an example to us and our children; in this, you have failed miserably. Your lack of morals and ethics has permeated every level of our society. The corruption that you have welcomed into the halls of our government in Washington has oozed into Wall Street, our business board rooms, our state governments, and is now finding its way into our bedrooms. How you can have the utter audacity to point your fingers at our banks and financial institutions and to complain about their unethical behaviors when it is you who have set the standards for conduct in this country is beyond me. You won’t cap malpractice awards because the lawyers feathered your financial campaign nests? Then, why shouldn’t AIG pay out bonuses and take expensive trips on the government dime?

You are going to go after retired government and military employees to pay their past taxes while you have hired a tax cheater to be your Secretary of the Treasury? Who in the hell do you think you are, the self-designated chief hypocrites of all time?

Not only do you take bribes and payoffs and campaign contributions and who knows what else before you make your decisions on how to run our country, you turn around and use our taxpayer money to make back room deals in order to get your miserable self-serving agendas accomplished, whether we who foot the bills support them or not.
You needn’t worry about getting caught, because your hierarchy will run cover for you and, if you do get caught, your Attorney General won’t press charges and if, by some strange happenstance you do end up in Court, the Judge has already been bought and paid for….you’ll get a slap on the wrist.

We are in debt up to our eyeballs and the nation is sick to its collective stomach about it and you appear in the halls of Congress smiling and slapping each other on the back after you tack on another $250 billion to a budget? You seize hundreds of billions of our dollars for one thing and now you want to spend it on something else? When you enacted TARP, you knew at the time that not one dime of that money was ever going to get back in the treasury and you stood there on front of the nation and gave us your condescending smiles as you told us that we’d not only get the money back into the treasury, but we’d make interest on it? How can you sleep at night?

Your hateful, spiteful and mean ways, your spending days, your “screw the public” attitudes have been running rampant for so long that they have evolved into being an inbred culture of politics in Washington. This culture knows no bounds; it has affected the minds and the hearts of every Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Independent, Liberal or Conservative in every facet of our government. You now surround yourselves with convicted criminals, tax cheats, Marxists, fascists and you do not hesitate to tell us to “Shut up and get out of the way.”

Maybe you tell yourselves that things will get better for you after you confiscate our guns and ban our religions. Then, maybe, we’ll roll over and die and you can intrude your politics of corruption into our living rooms and bedrooms and successfully grab us by our family jewels.

We do not want your lousy health care plan. Go back and write a good piece of legislation to deal with this problem. We don’t want your damned cap and trade legislation. We don’t want your damned EPA taking over our streams and rivers. We don’t want to hear some holier-than-thou remark about how we will have to limit every family to one child when you, the total misbegotten rats that you are, allow illegal immigration to our country at the expense of our economy and our jobs and have the gall to look us straight in the eye and to tell us we have to shrink our families because we have too many people here causing pollution.

We're sick and tired of your dog and pony shows and your smoke and mirrors. We don't want to hear any more of your lies, half-truths, misinformation and disinformation. Save your eloquent oratories for the bathroom and give us the straight, clear, unequivocal facts and don't hide behind 2,000 pages of pure bull, either.

We don’t want any more of ACORN’s of crime and corruption. We don’t want terrorist trials in New York City; we don't want your friends to have the opportunity to tell the world why we deserved to have them take down the World Trade Center and the Penatgon. Yes, your friends. You don’t have the guts to detain war prisoners and to try them under rules of military justice, so you must be their friends.

No one, not one person in the House of Representatives, the Senate, the White House, the Supreme Court… No one has stood up with the rest of us and agreed that enough is enough, that something has to be done, that action has to be taken to end this horrible tragedy that is going on in our country, that the time has come for us to return to the values upon which this country was founded and to return to the fundamental and Constitutionally correct way of running our government.

HEAR THIS, WASHINGTON: We have had enough! Your day of reckoning is fast approaching. We pissant Americans out in the hinterlands no longer want to share in the blame for all of this, and we want to get rid of those who are to blame. Start packing.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009


The United States Senate yesterday refused, by a vote of 54-45, to pass an amendment to the proposed Government-run Health Care Bill that would have prevented taxpayer money from being used to fund abortions, although the House had previously passed a similar amendment and the American public overwhelmingly agrees with such a provision.

In the meantime, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that up to 10 million people could lose their employer-based insurance coverage under the Senate's health care reform bill. The nonpartisan office said the net loss would add up to about 5 million -- the anticipated loss of employer coverage on one end would be offset in part by the expectation that a new mandate would drive other employers to cover millions more workers who are not currently covered. But that estimate assumes many employers, particularly small businesses with low-wage workers, would opt to pay the fine and drop their insurance plans. The CBO estimated this would affect between 9 million and 10 million workers. (The math has gotten to be so fuzzy, but I think the plan would leave 25 million without insurance anyway, so the new total would be 35 million; with 45 million currently uninsured, this means we are going to insure 10 million people at a cost to Americans of over $1 trillion.)

Although 62% of Americans now oppose a government run health plan, the Senate and the President appear to be hell-bent on passage before Christmas. (Isn’t that a nice present for the public?) An Amendment was proposed that would prevent the extraction of $40 billion more from Medicare benefits and that was defeated. Another Amendment would have capped malpractice awards and that was defeated. In other words, the Senate is telling Americans, “We don’t care what you think.”

As if to emphasize total contempt for the American public, the Senate Majority Leader in essence accused those Americans who are trying to slow down or re-work the Health Care Plan of being supporters of slavery, and he capped that off by adamantly refusing to apologize for the disgraceful remarks that he had made.

But, the bad news does not end there. In response to leaked emails that show scientists have been misstating and falsifying statistics used to support global warming theories and the proposed Cap & Trade legislation, President Obama announced that he’s going to Copenhagen to attend a United Nations workshop. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ruled that carbon dioxide is hazardous to the environment and that they intend to initiate extensive regulations whether the public and American business like it or not.

Moony’s, the well-respected independent financial company, warned yesterday that continued mismanagement of the economy, the budget deficit and national debt may force them to lower the financial rating of the U.S. from its current AAA rating, a move that could have further disastrous impacts on our economy.

President Obama yesterday essentially admitted that his stimulus plan has not worked by suggesting a “Stimulus II” package that would add another $150 billion to the country’s debt. Once again, Obama said the U.S. has had to "spend our way out of this recession," a tactic that many are insisting is not working and cannot work. These moves have been made despite the fact that the top concerns of Americans are the national debt and jobs.

Obama’s response to Americans who have thronged to Town Hall meetings and American Tea Party demonstrations has been, “Shut up and get out of the way.”

Merry Christmas, America.

Monday, December 07, 2009


If you pass legislation that in any way requires me to pay for someone's else's abortion, I will go to jail before I pay any more taxes.

If you pass legislation that takes away from my Medicare or Social Security, or raises taxes on my fixed income or raises the cost of my supplementary insurance and reduces my benefits, I will go to jail before I pay any more taxes.

If pass any government-run option, semi-option, option trigger, or similar health care legislation that does not put caps on medical malpractice awards, I will go to jail before I pay any more taxes.

If you pass legislation that raises the national debt, I will go to jail before I pay any more taxes.

The ball is in your court.

Sunday, December 06, 2009


This six-minute video sums up everything I have been screaming about for almost a year. It's something you should not miss.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009


Standing before a military audience at West Point, Barack Hussein Obama appeared to be haughty and defiant as he began his address to the nation and announced his long-awaited decision regarding the Afghanistan conflict.

General McChrystal had asked for 40,000 more troops in Afghanistan, 40,000 being the minimum. For the following 90 days, the White House hammered away on the 40,000 figure as being what McChrystal recommended, but that 30,000 should be considered. Finally, under growing pressure and having been ostracized for his procrastination, Obama announced that he is approving another 30,000 troops for the war in Afghanistan. He was quick to say that McChrystal had not asked for the troops until 2010, and that allowed him to take time in making his decision. He was also quick to say that the additional troops would be coming home within 18 months, and justified that deadline as being a means to force the Afghanistan government to step up to the plate as well as the actual costs of the war.

Obama prefaced his remarks by saying that the war in Iraq should not have been fought and that all troops there would be removed within the next year. He did not mention that the number of U.S. deaths in Afghanistan under Bush averaged seven per month while averaging 28 since he took office.

Obama reasserted his intention to close the Guantanamo detention center, and then closed his speech with an emphasis about all of the good things the United States has accomplished in world security over the past 60 years. And, that was the gist of what the President had to say.

It’s what the President did NOT say that matters. He did NOT lay out his case for sending in the 30,000 troops. The fact that it took him 90 days to approve 10,000 troops less than what his commander in the field was asking for sends a clear message that he is not decisive and he is not committed to winning the war. He did not explain his strategy that he has been mulling over for the past 90 days while his detractors have been growing increasingly restless and critical. Nor did he fire up the audience with some statement to the effect that we can, we must, and we will win.

Other than that, I suppose it was a nice attempt.

I think that I would have thrown out a not-so-vague message about being able to have additional military strength in that area in case we should have to take some action regarding the Iranian situation. But, then again, if we keep allowing the Somali pirates to steal oil barges enroute to the United States, we may not have enough fuel to do much more than to make a fleeting appearance in Iran.

After such a long delay in reaching his decision, I expected a concise, well laid out, fiery speech and a dramatic finish that would inspire the country and rally the troops. I didn’t hear that. Maybe the thought that the $30 billion projected cost for the additional troops might sidetrack his government-run health care plan took the starch out of his britches.