Let’s get one thing straight, Washington: We are not to blame for the shambles that our economy, our morals, our ethics and the overall state of our nation is in. The blame lies squarely in your laps. Yes, you are supposed to be working for us, so we do share in the blame, but we are now coming to our senses and we are going to hold you accountable when we stand on our feet and throng to the polls next November.
We have had enough.
For as long as I can remember, Congress, the White House and our Courts have been partners in ripping this country apart. And, yes, the stench has gotten worse over the last twenty years. As leaders of our country, you have a responsibility to hold yourselves to a higher standard as an example to us and our children; in this, you have failed miserably. Your lack of morals and ethics has permeated every level of our society. The corruption that you have welcomed into the halls of our government in Washington has oozed into Wall Street, our business board rooms, our state governments, and is now finding its way into our bedrooms. How you can have the utter audacity to point your fingers at our banks and financial institutions and to complain about their unethical behaviors when it is you who have set the standards for conduct in this country is beyond me. You won’t cap malpractice awards because the lawyers feathered your financial campaign nests? Then, why shouldn’t AIG pay out bonuses and take expensive trips on the government dime?
You are going to go after retired government and military employees to pay their past taxes while you have hired a tax cheater to be your Secretary of the Treasury? Who in the hell do you think you are, the self-designated chief hypocrites of all time?
Not only do you take bribes and payoffs and campaign contributions and who knows what else before you make your decisions on how to run our country, you turn around and use our taxpayer money to make back room deals in order to get your miserable self-serving agendas accomplished, whether we who foot the bills support them or not.
You needn’t worry about getting caught, because your hierarchy will run cover for you and, if you do get caught, your Attorney General won’t press charges and if, by some strange happenstance you do end up in Court, the Judge has already been bought and paid for….you’ll get a slap on the wrist.
We are in debt up to our eyeballs and the nation is sick to its collective stomach about it and you appear in the halls of Congress smiling and slapping each other on the back after you tack on another $250 billion to a budget? You seize hundreds of billions of our dollars for one thing and now you want to spend it on something else? When you enacted TARP, you knew at the time that not one dime of that money was ever going to get back in the treasury and you stood there on front of the nation and gave us your condescending smiles as you told us that we’d not only get the money back into the treasury, but we’d make interest on it? How can you sleep at night?
Your hateful, spiteful and mean ways, your spending days, your “screw the public” attitudes have been running rampant for so long that they have evolved into being an inbred culture of politics in Washington. This culture knows no bounds; it has affected the minds and the hearts of every Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Independent, Liberal or Conservative in every facet of our government. You now surround yourselves with convicted criminals, tax cheats, Marxists, fascists and you do not hesitate to tell us to “Shut up and get out of the way.”
Maybe you tell yourselves that things will get better for you after you confiscate our guns and ban our religions. Then, maybe, we’ll roll over and die and you can intrude your politics of corruption into our living rooms and bedrooms and successfully grab us by our family jewels.
We do not want your lousy health care plan. Go back and write a good piece of legislation to deal with this problem. We don’t want your damned cap and trade legislation. We don’t want your damned EPA taking over our streams and rivers. We don’t want to hear some holier-than-thou remark about how we will have to limit every family to one child when you, the total misbegotten rats that you are, allow illegal immigration to our country at the expense of our economy and our jobs and have the gall to look us straight in the eye and to tell us we have to shrink our families because we have too many people here causing pollution.
We're sick and tired of your dog and pony shows and your smoke and mirrors. We don't want to hear any more of your lies, half-truths, misinformation and disinformation. Save your eloquent oratories for the bathroom and give us the straight, clear, unequivocal facts and don't hide behind 2,000 pages of pure bull, either.
We don’t want any more of ACORN’s of crime and corruption. We don’t want terrorist trials in New York City; we don't want your friends to have the opportunity to tell the world why we deserved to have them take down the World Trade Center and the Penatgon. Yes, your friends. You don’t have the guts to detain war prisoners and to try them under rules of military justice, so you must be their friends.
No one, not one person in the House of Representatives, the Senate, the White House, the Supreme Court… No one has stood up with the rest of us and agreed that enough is enough, that something has to be done, that action has to be taken to end this horrible tragedy that is going on in our country, that the time has come for us to return to the values upon which this country was founded and to return to the fundamental and Constitutionally correct way of running our government.
HEAR THIS, WASHINGTON: We have had enough! Your day of reckoning is fast approaching. We pissant Americans out in the hinterlands no longer want to share in the blame for all of this, and we want to get rid of those who are to blame. Start packing.
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