If I lived in Nebraska, I’d be ashamed to call myself an American after what Ben Nelson did to us. If we are smart, we’ll quit buying Nebraska corn and beef. In fact, all of the states that benefited from all of those dirty-dealing back room deals should be dropped from the United States. Let them be third-world or European nations; maybe Kenya will take them in.
The Senate Democrats are the epitome of mean, dirty political tricks and corruption, total disregard for their constituencies, and dishonor of the content and spirit of the Constitution of the United States. That having been said, I don’t subscribe to the theory that the Republicans are any better. Somehow, those in Washington have totally strayed from the conduct of their duties as envisioned by our founders and we have allowed them to get away with it. See what you get when you sit on your butt and don’t get involved in national politics?
How do you like these apples? The word is that the current Senate Bill has a provision in it that no future Congress can revoke, alter or change it. Isn't that flatly illegal and fascist?
Their double-dealing ways have got to be put to an end. Every Member of Congress, regardless of political party, needs to be turned out on the streets. They have lied to us, manipulated the facts, stonewalled the questions, called us names, told us one thing while doing another, taken bribes and political payoffs… In short, they have crapped on our dinner plates and they’ve not even smiled when they did it to us.
They have violated our Constitution and gotten away with it not only this year but, for decades.
Now, the country is on the precipice of bankruptcy and they point their fingers of blame at us, at each other, at past Presidents… everywhere except themselves. Yet, they don’t stop their spending ways.
We, the people, can give ourselves a Christmas present that will keep on giving and giving: we can promise now to get rid of them all. We can completely replace the House in the coming election and 1/3 of the Senate. In 2012 we can replace another 1/3 of the Senate and we can replace the entire House again if we have to make the message clearer. In 2014, when all of this Health Care disaster kicks in, we can finish off the last 1/3 of the Senate. I’m talking Republicans, Democrats, all of them including turncoat Senator Lieberman.
Let’s replace all Members of Congress with... AMERICANS.
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