Wednesday, November 24, 2010


There are millions of Americans out of work, many of them for two years or longer.  The Obama Administration has done virtually nothing about the problem except to give it lip service.  Add to this problem those who have been forced to take drastic pay cuts or reduced hours and you have a nation filled with people who wonder where their next meal is going to come from or whether they will have a roof over their heads when Christmas comes.  

Maybe Obama doesn't give a damn, but I do.  The traditional sources of help are facing a double whammy: they have dwindling contributions because people just don't have money to give, and they have an increasing need for the services they provide.  I know that I may be asking you to give up a six pack or two of beer or the movies next week.  But, on behalf of those who are hungry and/or without shelter through no fault of their own, I beg of you to consider dropping off a turkey or a few cans of food, even a $25 contribution.  

God knows we are at each others' throats in this country, but this is the season when we need to reach deep into our souls and find the heart to share with others what little we have left to share.  

To you and your family and friends, have a Happy Thanksgiving and drive carefully. 

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