Wednesday, November 17, 2010


To make it short, we all know that the country is in an economic mess and that our debt is going to doom this nation unless we do something about it. We can’t do it by decreasing spending; we can’t do it by raising revenues. To get us out of this mess which, by the way we did not create, but they did, we need to do both.

Now comes the newly elected cavalry that we selected to lead us out of this mess and the first words out of the Republicans collective mouth is… “We’re not cutting defense.” Then, the Democrats say, “We’re not cutting entitlements.”

Well, if they’re not going to clean up this mess they created, I think they’re all going to be out on the streets looking for work in two more years, so something had better give.

The defense budget CAN be cut and cut plenty. Our young men and women in the military have proven over and over again that they can step up to the plate that our leaders in Washington seem so willing to back away from. And, we don’t need all of these entitlements; we need jobs. We need to get people back to work and we need to rebuild the national pride of America.

Our President is obviously unwilling to do anything. He has taken no steps to create jobs in the two years he has been in office and he just blew an opportunity in South Korea to create 90,000 jobs through a trade deal that he managed to scuttle at the last minute. He refuses to reconsider his damned health care plan and he is dead set on raising taxes.

All that this posturing amounts to is more of the same old bullshit politics that have flat incensed Americans in every corner of the country for the last two years. The newly elected talked a good game, as did those who managed to hang on to their seats. Now is the time to crap or get off the potty. They are required to stand up for America and do the job we elected them to do, or they will most certainly pay the penalty.

Let the dance begin and we’ll see who is still left standing when the music stops.

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