Sometimes, with all of the crappy things our government has been up to… Sometimes, when they do these things in the face of public outrage, you just have to wonder what their game plan is. Here they are, just after having the worst shellacking in American political history, and they’re acting as if they are high potentates sitting on thrones and ruling the lower class.
In recent days, I’ve heard several people ask who the President is listening to. I don’t think he listens to Michelle… he certainly doesn’t listen to America. I’ve heard another several people come out and say they think Obama is doing what he feels is best for the country.
Let ME make it clear; Obama doesn’t do anything that doesn’t further his own distorted agenda. And all of the rest of the bimbos in his party conduct themselves in the same manner.
Traditionally, what happens in this country is that we Americans get our backs up about something and the politicians temporarily back down until we cool off, then they go ahead and do what they intended in the first place. What’s different now is that we Americans are not cooling off. Their old tricks of wearing us down and wearing us down until they get their ways are not working.
So, they have become dysfunctional. The fabric of their security blanket of self-created Washington culture is wearing thin. In the waning hours of their lame duck session, they are trying to get their way again, but the outcry of public opinion is not dying down. And, obviously, they don’t know how to deal with the situation.
Illigitimi non carborundum. Don’t let the bastards grind you down. We ARE taking back our country.
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