Wednesday, December 08, 2010


In my day, say about 12 years ago, if you were on unemployment you had to file a weekly report showing at least three people at three different jobs you applied for and what the results were. These days, all you have to do is say that you have been looking for work. Today, you have the Republicans pushing for an end to extensions for unemployment compensation and you have Democrats insisting that everyone be covered until the end of time.

I firmly believe that every person who is out of work through no fault of his own and who is actively looking for a job should have some unemployment compensation. So, what’s wrong with asking them to show at least three places where they have applied, including a signature and company tax identification numbers? This could be subject to spot checks by the IRS, since they now have total power of the Gestapo anyway. 

As a matter of conjecture, the day may be close at hand when an I.R.S. auditor moves in with you so he can keep you honest.  

Would that not resolve all issues? Why is it not being done?

You have a President who wants to do away with tax deductions for charitable contributions. The fact is that the rich, the ones he is trying to soak in the Bush Tax Cut controversy, give substantial amounts to charitable organizations which in turn meet most of the demands for help for the poor and the unemployed. No one is going to get rich off of $400 or so per week in unemployment benefits; they need all of the help they can get. There’s no law that says debt collectors have to back off if you are on unemployment.

Yet, and I agree, there are those who will scam the system and not look for work as long as they have some income; by and large, they are left-wing extremists who are trying to change this country to their way of thinking.  But, the answer is not to discourage charitable donations or to totally cut off unemployment extensions. The answer is to find out where the real need is and to address it.

I know that I am barking in the wind, but why can’t we set politics aside and work together to find realistic solutions to today’s problems? Those in charge are to blame because they just simply don’t care. 

I must be right because there has been no, zilch and nada, toward meaningful job creation programs in two years, not even after this "compromise" that doesn't address the problems, but simply kicks the can down the road. You know it and I know it.  


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