Wednesday, March 09, 2011


We're still mired down in the budgetary battle in the halls and on he floor of Congress.  The Republicans want to trim $61 billion off the budget and the Democrats want to trim only $4.7 billion.  There are three issues I have with all of this. 

First, and most important, we're $14 trillion in debt and climbing.  $61 billion is about .004 of that amount.  $4.7 is .0003 of that amount.  In either event, we're talking chump change here and we're hearing nothing but anger, nasty words and endless rhetoric.  

Second, neither party is talking about how much we will be spending with their proposed cuts and whether or not we will have enough revenue to cover that amount, whatever it is.  So, that tells me we're still spending more than we're raking in, or they'd be talking about it.  

Now, those are two major issues, it seems to me.  The third and more significant issue is that the Democrats are digging in their heels on that $4.7 billion figure.  Ladies and gentlemen, this country spends that much money every single day.  The Democrats think they can placate the people who are sick and tired of the endless debt and the unending spending by shaving one day's spending out of 365.  That's how they think.  

Tell that to one of the 20% of the people in this country who are unemployed or under-employed.  Tell that to the people who live below the poverty line.  Tell that to the business man who is about to close the doors on a family business that's been around for 100 years.  Tell that to the housewife who is trying to put food on the table with food costs going through the roof.  Tell that to the truck driver who has to buy fuel.  

Those idiots, Republicans and Democrats alike, need to get it through their thick heads that we mean business.  We know why we're in the mess we're in, and it's because of financial mismanagement by our government as a whole and by Congress in particular.  We're sick and tired of it.  $61 billion for a cut is peanuts; $4.7 billion is outrageous.  

Cut the damned spending, or get out.  

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