Thursday, April 03, 2014


A Constitutional Convention is not when everyone gets together in Las Vegas to talk about the Constitution.  So, what is it?  

The Constitution provides for amendment.  It recognizes that times change and there may be cases when the Constitution needs to be changed to "keep up with the times."  Believe it or not, the President does not have the authority to change the Constitution on his own.  Without going into details, let me just refer you to Article V to read and digest.  There are two methods for amending the Constitution, one of which is calling for a convention of the states when 2/3 of the states call for such a convention. That would be 33.33 states, or 34 states unless California splits into several states like they're talking about.  

As it happens, 34 states have now signed on to the call for a Constitutional Convention.  The Democrats are having what we call out West a "shit hemorrhage" because... the number one item on the agenda calls for a balanced budget amendment.  The process, by law, must now move forward and when and if 3/4 of the states ratify, or vote for, such an amendment, it becomes the law of the land, even more powerful than ObamaCare. 

Oh my... that sounds like we're blaming Congress for operating without a balanced budget, doesn't it?  Now, how do you think Obama, Reid and Pelosi are going to engineer a way around THIS howdy do? 

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